Re: Boba Fett DIES FOR REAL!

lol Thanks for the tip. I did see the typos after I altered the web page so it was a little too late to change. But I did think the "April 1st Lucas has..." would have been a bigger giveaway. Oh and if you want to hunt me down you will have to find me 1st. tongue

...I live by one rule and it is this: Freedom. Enslave no one and be no ones slave. No more no less. I am a hunter and no one rules me.  - Alo Fett

Re: Boba Fett DIES FOR REAL!

It's ajoke! What a relief! I am not ready to see him go anytime soon even if it is hard to picture him as a centarian.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying

Re: Boba Fett DIES FOR REAL!

I do not normally like April Fools jokes but that was funny big_smile

Jedi photographer - May the focus be with me.

Re: Boba Fett DIES FOR REAL!

i knew it was a joke the whole time

Hi if any one plays halo read this join my clan the sos brigade just remember sos is the best

Re: Boba Fett DIES FOR REAL!

It isn't, SOS haruhi...............:( I am sad now

( runs away crying into a tiny corner )

Boba Fett can't die....

He's all of our hero's and role-models........... sad WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

You're foolish words can never hurt me

Re: Boba Fett DIES FOR REAL!

Boba can't die! This is wrong to fans!
But I also agree with Aaron.It looklikes fake.Sorry.

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]

Re: Boba Fett DIES FOR REAL!

That. Wasnt. Nice.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

33 (edited by -F3TT- Monday, May 12, 2008 10:26 pm)

Re: Boba Fett DIES FOR REAL!

That picture is from star wars databank,Alo! You used paint,right? I never believe that Boba dies.It looklikes fake,sorry,I don't mean anything bad,Alo.

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]

Re: Boba Fett DIES FOR REAL!

that was cruel...but i will admit that was a tiny bit funny. I almost started to cry sad...but i am better now big_smile

Ven'gana mhi yaim'ol // We will have our homecoming

Re: Boba Fett DIES FOR REAL!

that almost kicked (censored),Alo.But it really,really,really lookedlike FAKE.

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]