Re: Health Problems

Fett_II wrote:

i don't lie.

And I never said that.
It is good to speak straight and true.

Космические рейнджеры 2: Доминаторы
(Lancelot! <3)

Re: Health Problems

I wasn't lying. The knee isn't a big deal, it rarely bothers me. And I really do have those allergies. If I exagerate on anything it's because I just don't have a lot of problems.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Re: Health Problems

Hey please, my comment was just an usual note, not pointed at anyone!

&#1050;&#1086;&#1089;&#1084;&#1080;&#1095;&#1077;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1077; &#1088;&#1077;&#1081;&#1085;&#1076;&#1078;&#1077;&#1088;&#1099; 2: &#1044;&#1086;&#1084;&#1080;&#1085;&#1072;&#1090;&#1086;&#1088;&#1099;
(Lancelot! <3)

Re: Health Problems

I'm lactose intolerant

The pen is mightier than the blaster!

Re: Health Problems

My two big complaints are gastro-reflux disease and bipolar disorder II. Both have kept my life interesting for years.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying

31 (edited by virulent_messiah Thursday, March 20, 2008 5:27 pm)

Re: Health Problems

used to have asthma; dust, cat, pollen and who knows what other allergies; joint aches, migraines, bad knees, shoulder, and elbow (various stupid stunts as a kid); I have a history of seizures as a kid, including a couple of blackouts; and all kinds of crazy a real

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

Re: Health Problems

Terron wrote:

Hey please, my comment was just an usual note, not pointed at anyone!

Oh I know. I was just saying cause I felt a bit guilty.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Re: Health Problems

virulent_messiah wrote:

used to have asthma; dust, cat, pollen and who knows what other allergies; joint aches, migraines, bad knees, shoulder, and elbow (various stupid stunts as a kid); I have a history of seizures as a kid, including a couple of blackouts; and all kinds of crazy a real

Used to, as in don't really anymore? Perhaps you out grew it? That was one theory my old peditrican had. If so then thats good you don't have it anymore.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

Re: Health Problems

I used to have sore knees after basketball but as you said, it was just bones growing faster than tendons causing pain.  So he said I'd grow out of it and I did.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me.  It was self-defense.[/i]  -Richard the Warlock  [url][/url]

Re: Health Problems

I actually had an orthopedist say that about my knees when I was like 13/14, after I reached my current 5'4" status. ( That my knees were growing pains). Yeah that explains why the got worse over time. Listen to your body always. I found somebody that didn't dismiss me just because I wasn't 50.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."