Some improvements made to the Games > Arcade directory:
Anything missing? Any game/Fett information to add? Let me know. :-)
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
Some improvements made to the Games > Arcade directory:
Anything missing? Any game/Fett information to add? Let me know. :-)
even though its not fett we should add.... FROGGER!!!!
yep, there r a few missing fett gaming cameos- check ur mail aaron.
even though its not fett we should add.... FROGGER!!!!
make the boba fett spin-off.. call it.. FETTER!
It should be boba, jumping from vehicles/large animals over big drops, and you have a jetpack, but it will malfunction randomly and A:Not work, or B: go crazy in the air and launch you into a sarlacc
nah, it'd be dodging Slave I while crossing the road, then using jetpack to land on sail barges and not fall in the sarlaac!
With Cujo's contributions. :-)
Cool, I liked Demolition but I wasn't very good at it!
.....Or you can fly with your jetpack but it will run out of gas in 7 secs. :O :)
That's actually pretty funny. I actually picked that up on eBay the other day. I never got it when it came out because it cost so much, and never thought of it again, but someone had it for a couple bucks on eBay. Still haven't tried it yet, though. Too busy finishing KOTOR (when I'm not playing COD4, of course--way too addicting).
i think i have played every game that fett has had a cameo in, or been a playable character.
'cept the ne wlego starwars complete saga. i forget who on this site has it, but there is an achievement
with a pic of lego boba on it.
i was envious. i must have it (drools).
we should have more playable games. There is only one one you can actually play.........and that is " Shoot Boba. " We should make more. Just a little one, but enough to be brilliant! :)
Well, its not like its easy to make good flash games. Some of them take 2 years to make. Plus, I dont know if anyone here makes flash games.
Masterchief, we had a video game designer create "Slave I: Shadow Hunter" for us. It's a playable game for the PC, available here. It's no longer in development. But, we made it happen here.
Okay. Thanks Aaron. Can you also open up my RPG, " Fett's Escape! " please. Thank you. :)
Masterchief, your welcome. (If it's off-topic, please e-mail me, private message me, or otherwise get in touch with a moderator. Thanks!)
Mordred, any favorite Flash games? What would be a killer Fett Flash game?
Mordred, any favorite Flash games? What would be a killer Fett Flash game?
I like telepath rpg 2, stick strike, the thing thing series, zombie horde 3, and stealth hunter. A killer flash game? Mabye a stealth game with the camera style they use in zombie horde, stick strike, and telepath. Maybe he's infiltrating the Jedi Temple to kill Mace Windu or sneaking into the rebel's base.
I wanted to play Demolition but I never had the proper platform, and didn't get a chance.
Masterchief, we had a video game designer create "Slave I: Shadow Hunter" for us. It's a playable game for the PC, available here. It's no longer in development. But, we made it happen here.
where is that, exactly? didn't show up, under games
Yeah, I'd like to play it sometime.
I think a game that involves the boba fight in episode 6 would be great! :D
Yeah. There's only one playable one, but There great still! :D