I am another blue dot for a very red state.
Topic: Republican or Democrat?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
34 posts
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well seeing that Fett is a conservative

Alo, since this is in the Fans forum, it's about the fans, not Boba Fett.
I am a Republican, but I live in the North East US, which is mainly full of Democrats. Personally, I think if guns are baned, you might as well cut off our hands too. Bank robbers and terrorists would get weapons anyway, even if they were illegal.
Reppin' in the hood. The hood's mainly Demo -_-
I'm a democrat in the middle of conservative Texas.
His signature says it all. :l
I don't like when people complain all the time. Just live with it.

I am a Republican, but I live in the North East US, which is mainly full of Democrats. Personally, I think if guns are baned, you might as well cut off our hands too. Bank robbers and terrorists would get weapons anyway, even if they were illegal.
You know George Bush raised gas prices.
Republican for the most part.
(BFFC Moderator)
Karson, now lets not start a flame war, it's just my modest opinion.
Conservative in Canada so I would definitely consider myself Republican.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
(jk, id prefer not to get into the whole "Political Alegiance" thing either way im american)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Republican- I'm quite a consertive Mando livin in north west FL =)
Democrat all the way. *smile*
Republican. God knows what would happen to the U.S. if a Democrat won...
*mutters something under her breath*
Well, in my opinion, anyone could do better than Bush at this point.
Democrat most definitely, notthat either side is going to work any miracles.
I support no form of popular government.
So if you do not support popular government what is this unpopular government form you support? Democracy is generally the way to go...
I'm not sure of the exact name, bu I would guess that it would be something close to "Papalarchy".

You know in the bible the publicans were bad people. So you have to be rally bad to be a republican
That is a really unfair comparison. You cannot even compare Republican's of nowadays to the Roman Republic. Many of the people were really bad in the Roman era. Republicans of nowadays follow a totally different set of morals; based upon the Christian religion after Constantine the Great ended persecution of Christians.
karson don't start bringing the Bible into this...
Even if he did, Republicans base their stance of the issues off of the Bible. Most of them anyway.

The topic is if you are a Republican or a Democrat (or other, presumably, to be open-minded). Not what a Republican is, isn't, Democrat is, isn't. It's too complex an issue, separate in the United States (church and state) and needs to stay on topic here to stay informative about this community.
That said, it looks like Boba Fett brings all sides to the table. Excellent.
*mutters something under her breath*
Well, in my opinion, anyone could do better than Bush at this point.
I understand your point, but if some idiot withdrawls every single american from iraq (and afganistan (spelling)) it would be the perfect time for
another 9/11. Do not assume that someone who has no realation to someone in the millitary will know what to do. Any politician will make a bad mistake. One of the worst will be an imediate withdrawl.
But anyways. I think that whoever wins were gonas hate for some reason or another.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

That is a really unfair comparison. You cannot even compare Republican's of nowadays to the Roman Republic. Many of the people were really bad in the Roman era. Republicans of nowadays follow a totally different set of morals; based upon the Christian religion after Constantine the Great ended persecution of Christians.
It was a Joke!
yet it wanst very funny, and it didnt make any sense, as you have just been notified, by sev.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Ah, sorry about that then. But things like sarcasm are really hard to recognize over the internet. So please specify in the future.
Any politician will make a bad mistake. One of the worst will be an imediate withdrawl.
It was a bad mistake to get us in that mess over there in the first place. I understand going after the culprits, but there is always going to be some form of terrorism as long as there are people on this earth. We had no right to charge over there and change their form of government simply because we didn't think it fit our standards.
I dont belive we did, but now that we are over there, a slow/medium speed (kinda like a jog) is the best for now, then, if everything hits the fan again, there are a few to cover our ends.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Topic closed, as it's gone as far as it could before turning into something else.
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