rc1022 wrote:how do you guys put up your avatars?
It's in your profile settings. First, find a pic you like and shrink it down to 100x100 or smaller.
Then go to profile *on the little bar of buttons just below the huge letters that say where you are, like MESSAGE BOARDS if you're there, and just above that little list of what name you're logged in as, when you last visited, and your Rep. points* and choose.................... can't remember which, so just cycle through untill you see your current avatar. Your's is set to none right now. Hit the browse button and find the pic you shrunk and hit the 'Upload' button. You should be good to go
rc1022 wrote:Anyway...what's a mandorian again?
You should play Knights of the Old Republic and KOTOR 2; that's where I first learned about and started my love for Mandalorians.
The short historys is that they are a Clan based warrior society who nearly conquored the galaxy 4000 years before the era of the movies. In the time since then they have generally made bountyhunters and Mercs. Jango and Boba *and therefore the entire Clone Army* are desendants of them we believe, and their armor is Mandalorian. See here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mandalorian for more info
Hope this explained all
"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."