If u have any templates post links to them here for the beginner costumers please...
e-mail me for a gauntlet template or others at spawn_bobafett@hotmail.com.
Topic: Boba Fett costume templates
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
40 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestHeres a gauntlet template for everyone to print [img]LTBFgauntletFP-windows picture and fax viewer
Nothing came up for your image up there. ^ As you can see, but try getting a photobucket account, it's free.
But here are some ankle spat patterns. -> http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=16862&d=1175911444
I went to Jo-Ann and bought some grey twill fabric and sew-on velcro.
All you have to do with that pattern in open the file, and do Ctrl+P on you keyboard. The pattern will be the correct size printed out on an 8 1/2" x 11" piece of printer paper. I'll post a pic of my ankle spats if you'd like.
e-mail me its easyer and how do u get a photo bucket acount
also yes post them up please
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
no ones post ing any yet do u have a photo shop if u do how do u get an acount
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
jodo kast did u make that helmet or...
Mandalorian Mercs Tutorial/Template Library
[EDIT: Link to mercs.firespray.net no longer works.]
That should help you guys out. I've got a ammo belt and leather holster tutorial that should be up soon also.
[url=http://mercs.firespray.net]Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club[/url]
what are templates??
templates are sorta like blue prints that u can print out .our templates are Boba fett armor go to the link above to see some templates.

"The Mandalorian Blueprints"
jodo kast did u make that helmet or...
my avatar?
no, that's a photo touch-up by...Mandal_Shadowwarrior (?)
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
oh well it looks cool u should make a helmet like that ...
actually, if i were to make one it would be Jodo Kast's helmet. (to go with my character...)
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
yah that would be cool too...
but, i don't have the time for that sort of thing...
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
Here s some gauntlet blue prints I found on the net I hope they work :D !... I know its a really big pic!!!!!!...
that's kinda abstract, aye?
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
cool blueprints
a good referance for a fett gauntlet is in the 12 " figures ill post a pic of my almost finished right fett gauntlet made out of card board and fett armor...TOMORROW SO U SHOULD REALLY CHECK IT OUT PERFECT FOR A REFERANCE ON A GAUNTLETS SHAPE...
it's tomorrow...
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
are the templates for ure costume that novill talon are helping you with?
but my freind made gauntlets out of theme
it will be on around seven o clock ok so be on around then
good luck with your costume! :D
good luck with your costume! :D
THANX THE GAUNTLET WILL BE ON AT 7:00 OR any time around there
are the templates for ure costume that novill talon are helping you with?
no but it seems that alot of people want to build fett costumes but arnt good at building from scratch..(usaully)so they don't build it...but with templates people can just cut away and in week it will be finished...
i cant make one because i'm small compared to you 11 to a big number. :(
It doesn't matter how old you are. You complain that we treat you differently because you are young, and then you say that you are unable to do things because you are young.
im 12 for pete sakes and im makin my costume and so far it looks awesome SO QUIT COMPLAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.......sorry i didnt know you were 12 okay!? :X and i like your costume i havent complained about it at all i think it is brilliant so there! :(
ill post pics of my almost finished gauntlets at 7:00 tonight kk Draco Fett so check it out and give me tips if it looks like its needed...
i'm sure he will. oh, devin jax i'm going, night :)
Draco Fett so check it out and give me tips if it looks like its needed...
I'll plan too ;).
i wouldn't want the whole costume, but i would want 3 helmets:
Boba's, Jango's, and (of course) Jodo Kast's.
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
I would make my own, so then i could have a unique dude....there are to many Boba impersonators at Comic Con.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I would make my own, so then i could have a unique dude....there are to many Boba impersonators at Comic Con.
u should make ur own with youre own design...it would be really coooooooooool.......

Since this thread is getting some new interest, now 8 whole years later, here's a much more helpful link for people to consider: