Anybody here play the guitar? I want to get a Fender Stratocaster Standard. If you do, are you a left, or a righty?
Topic: Guitar?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
12 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI do! No just kidding...I wish. I do however kick @$$ at Guitar Hero so....thats something right?
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
my stepdad rocks at it , and my 18 year old brother can play gigs and stuff and he totally kicks A** at it. :)
I have an accoustic guitar, though I really couldn't tell you much about the kind it is or anything. I don't know how to play it. It was a gift. And I would be a lefty on it if I did play. (Too bad it's strung for a righty.)
I used to know a few chords, but it was never really my thing.
I also think this might be better talked about here:
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
my bro has an amp and electric guitar. :) :D
Anybody here play the guitar? I want to get a Fender Stratocaster Standard. If you do, are you a left, or a righty?
You don't get Musician's friend, or Music 123 Magazine?
I have five guitars and one bass guitar. Three amps,a Huges and Kettener pure tone and a fata** Marshall Quad box and a vox pre-amp. My guitars are three Yamaha acoustics including a flaminco, a Ibeanez Soundgear bass, a Gibson SG and a '76 Vantage Jazz Hollow Body with f holes and boba fett nobs for tone and volume! I like music!
I play Bass and Guitar (right handed). I have an electric acoustic guitar and bass.
I have a Stratocaster, but I don't play it much. I'm trying to teach myself bass, playing tabs from Rage Against the Machine and Red Hot Chili Peppers. I have an Ibanez bass and the Stratocaster. I'm right handed.

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So, they can go on this:
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I have a Stratocaster, but I don't play it much. I'm trying to teach myself bass, playing tabs from Rage Against the Machine and Red Hot Chili Peppers. I have an Ibanez bass and the Stratocaster. I'm right handed.
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