Topic: Site Ideas?
Post Your Upgrade Suggestions :mandolinsmily:
The BFFC boards will be changing soon. Take a look at the brand-new pages and start using the new version now. You can also contact us with any feedback or requests.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Dialogue → Site Ideas?
Post Your Upgrade Suggestions :mandolinsmily:
Upgrade to what?
Aaron ......uhh the site ya know just some ideas for you, sir. Hey did you get my e-mail?
Yes, I get all the e-mail that comes to aaron at
We tend to not open the floor to idea dumps. I think that's because we have plans for this site, a vision, and we act on it, rather than just talking the talk. We do:
1. ask people their feedback about our existing or improved feature destinations,
2. form beta testing groups (one of which has seen the new image galleries and another group has seen the new Fettipedia), and
3. have a volunteer job post page for finding people we really WANT to help grow the site
That said, questions, comments, concerns and ideas (like content contributions) are always welcome. A lot of our news comes from e-mail leads -- and our news is top-notch here -- and we appreciate that. Our MySpace has also been a great lead for getting leads and interviews. And we have a handful of original web comics being posted shortly.
As for topic starting, how about starting the topic with one of your ideas? Otherwise, this topic might be too broad and just you and me... spamming.
Case in point. Come on, man. You're on a roll today.
Any ideas? See the site map below.
Hm, well, the only thing that I noticed from the get go is having to request an icon if you don't have your own. I know on some forums (like my own), there are default icons you can select from that are site based that you can pick when you first join, as well as uploading your own. Maybe it would make it easier on the staff to have the BFFC icons already there for members to use in the profiles, instead of having to fill out requests.
There's a topic for avatar requests:
As for stock icons, we could... but people tend to want original avatars. If two people have the same, in the history of our avatar-available forums (2/2006-Present), the newer person is usually called out by the community here and asked to change it. It's a case of social design. We didn't plan that.
Thanks for the ideas!
I think there should be spam police. Draco could be the chief......sir
Thank you very much, but that is why there are moderators. I just happen to occasionally catch spam before they do.
The delete key is a wonderful thing and believe me I've used it
Deleted posts no longer exist, so it would be difficult to find evidence of it.
Then I think Draco should be a mod *thinks about what he just said shudders and turns of computer*
Thank you, I think.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Dialogue → Site Ideas?
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