At the moment they're having a run of the Original Star Wars Trilogy on the telly, not that they're very original with all the added scenes etc. It's the first time I've seen it with Boba's voice changed. It really ticked me off. It sounded so wrong. My perception of Boba was very strongly taken from his voice. Tem just doesn't do Boba justice. What I wouldn't give for the original trilogy ONLY digitally remastered on DVD. None of this edited garbage.
Topic: Oh Why Did They Change His Voice???
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
63 posts
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It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I actually am one Fett fan who likes the change. They both are good, but I personally just like the sound of Temera's(sp?) voice more.
I actually am one Fett fan who likes the change. They both are good, but I personally just like the sound of Temera's(sp?) voice more.
Same here.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
I hate the new voice. It destroys Boba. The first time I heard it I shut off my dvd and refused to watch the rest of the movie. Nowadays whenever I watch it I always mute it while Boba speaks. :( It's so horrible, I have to mute my favorite character just to enjoy the movie!
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i love it.It fits better. I admit if they had kept it the same, the expanded universe could have explained it(Notice how 3 members of delta sqaud DON@t have tem's voice) but it fits to have Tem's voice.
What i would have liked to see changed was the scream when han accidently acitivates the jetpack. I dnt think the scream fits at all for Boba, it should b removed full stop.
What i would have liked to see changed was the scream when han accidently acitivates the jetpack. I dnt think the scream fits at all for Boba, it should b removed full stop.
I agree with that 100%.
That one I do agree with, the scream should be removed. Either that or Ben Burtt can play with it a bit to make it deeper and more manly, maybe shorter too. But removed entirely would be better.
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xD That scream makes me laugh. I think they use the same scream in some of the LOTR movies. Cuz i remember i was drawing at my friends house and her lil cousins were watching...the second one.... and i herd that scream and i looked up and said "BOBA FETT?!" and was utterly dissapointed xD.
They changed'ed his voice? Was it in the newer am I just...lost......verymuchly....
:] Whats up?
In the dvd versions of the OT Boba has a different voice than in the VHSs. This is because some idiot decided to make a very bored Temuera do a half-hearted attempt to copy Boba's voice and then they decided to dub this in as Boba's voice in the movies.
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what narks me, is Boba is super hard, tough, never lets emotions rule him, beats everyone and everything, and let he screams!!!!
That is so, so, so wrong
Yeah the scream is so wrong. But then the flirting with Rystall is too. Ah they should have just left him how he was. There were many possible reasons why Boba's voice could have been different - synthesizer, accident etc.
I also noticed you can tell when it's Jeremy acting and when it's not. Jeremy just has Fett's moves down so well. He was right to say "He's slow, but he's fast" it's so true! :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
The Jeremy-Boba moves with a grace and confidence that cannot be described... *is in awe just thinking about it* But I'm sure you guys don't want to hear me ramble.
I must admit, I like the voice-change. Knowing his history and everything now it makes perfect sense. I've known Boba since I was six, but somehow it just seems right for him to sound that way.
As for the scream... I say we pool our credits and post a bounty on the idiot who decided to make Boba scream like a girl. I could see a shout of surprise and perhaps even dismay, but that? Why not just strip the man of his dignity all together? Oh wait, Rystal :mad: Idiots...
It's hard for me to really take a side on this because I have not seen the OT on VHS since I was probably six. I have no memory of hearing Boba's voice from the VHS. I didn't know his voice had been changed on the DVD until I joined the message boards here at BFFC. Now, I have heard the old Boba Voice from downloading his phrases, and I really do like it better. It just seems to fit him... can't explain it. Also, I agree with his scream is something that could be changed for the better. My brother claims that it is used a few other times in the movies, like when Padme's ship is blown up at the begining of Episode II, someone has a all too similar scream...
That scream you hear in a lot of movies is the Whilem Scream. Ben Burtt loves using it. I'm not sure if that's the same one that was used for Boba, though.
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it sounds similar but it isnt the whilem scream
Ok, thanks. I thought it wasn't.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I think they use the same scream in some of the LOTR movies. Cuz i remember i was drawing at my friends house and her lil cousins were watching...the second one.... and i herd that scream and i looked up and said "BOBA FETT?!" and was utterly dissapointed xD.
I know that part, when an elven warrior falls off the Deeping Wall and screams like a little girl.
Yeah the scream is so wrong. But then the flirting with Rystall is too.
Oh silly people...he wasn't FLIRTING. He was scanning her face to match her up with a bounty on his list.
He killed her later, when nobody was looking.
-Captian Murphy
They changed his voice so it would follow the story line of Boba being an unaltered clone of Jango.
Yet if you've played Republic Commando, all the clones have different voices, yet came from the same template.
I started watching the Original Trilogy when I was about 4, and watched it pretty much weekly if not several times per week for the next few years. I grew up with the original Boba voice, and when I bought the 'remastered' DVD collection, I was mortified. Both the scene with Rystall, and the new voice woke an anger inside me the likes of which have never been seen. Were the person who did that present, I very likely would've made his knees bend the wrong way, broken his spine, and made him look as I stepped on his throat, helpless to do anything.
*breathes deeply* Ice cubes Johnny...remember ice cubes are cool, be cool. Bloody psychiatrist stuff doesn't help anyway.
If you haven't already assumed, I hate the voice change with an undying passion. I hate the voice, I hate the Rystall scene, and I most definitely (even though it was in the OT) hate the scream. Those responsible for the changes should be publically executed, and I would find no greater honor than being on the firing squad.
But pertaining to the subject: Why did they change his voice? Because sadly, I'm not entirely sure if Lucas knows his characters as much as his fans do. I'm not going to get into the whole 'Greedo shooting first' ordeal (HAN SHOT FIRST GORRAM IT), but I do indeed believe that The Flanneled One has lost sight of the glory of his original creations. This would also help explain why Episodes I, II, and III weren't even close to the greatness of their predecessors. Long live the OT, and let the fires of Tartarus consume he who slaughtered the image of our exhalted Fett.
I agree with most of that, perhapes not so violently, but I agree.
Ditto to that. Lucas lost the plot when he wrote Ep I to III. But it's all about the money. If he wanted to do more films why didn't he start them with Luke passing the torch onto another young novice who had to prove themselve in a time of turmoil, at least then things would have tied together more easily.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I think one of the biggest things that sold Boba Fett as a popular Star Wars character was the voice. That chilling voice from the original Empire Strikes Back was a large part of what made Boba Fett such an interesting character.
That being said, one of the prequelcasting decisions that I happened to agree with was Temuera Morrison as Jango Fett.
Did the voice have to change? Certainly not. Look at Republic Commando, as others have said. Only Boss sounded like Jango Fett.
One can argue that Daniel Logan as Boba Fett already had the Concord Dawn (aka New Zealand) accent. Well, I have a friend who left Australia when he was approximately 10 years old. Now, he sounds like a typical American.
Bottom Line? I don't care either way, I like both voices.
However, I do think Lucas should have preserved pre-SE Star Wars. I think it was a big mistake to try and wipe it away.

Dervish, welcome to The Boba Fett Fan Club boards. I think you bring up some great points. About preserving the pre-SE Fett, that's what we're here for. You can find video clips of the pre-DVD SE here at
Dervish, welcome to The Boba Fett Fan Club boards. I think you bring up some great points. About preserving the pre-SE Fett, that's what we're here for. You can find video clips of the pre-DVD SE here at
That's a relief, thanks :)
I also hate the new voice. It reminds me of Jango. (Shiver)
If it starts bothering me to much, though, I just take my 12" Boba action figure, club a baby seal with it, and then press the button on it's side and listen to the soothing, menacing tones of Jason Wingreen* emmited from the small speakers hidden somewhere in its chest. (I'll probably club some annoying people too. Until they die. Heh.)
*For those of you who don't know, Jason Wingreen was the actor who did the original voice of Fett. May his disgraced memory now live on in peace.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!

Yautja, welcome to the boards!
You bring up a good point about Wingreen. To read a bit about everyone who has voiced Boba Fett, check out BFFC's Behind the Mask > Voices section.
Why thank you.
I was a member previously if any of you remember, but the greeting is appreciated.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
I don't mind the scream, I find it funny. But the voice change makes me angry beyond words. I love Tem's voice, but not for Boba. And why would Boba want anyone to hear his accent? Wouldn't it give away the face that he is from Concord Dawn (well, Jango is), and take away his mystery? I imagine it's the mystery that contributes to his intimidating image. But anyway, I wish the Flanneled One would have a change of heart and give us the original movies on DVD as well, or at least the old Special Editions.
BFFC Moderator
I like Boba's new voice, it fits in better with Jango being his father. His old voice was too rough for my likings.
I like Boba's new voice, it fits in better with Jango being his father. His old voice was too rough for my likings.
But that's the whole problem. If GL didn't ruin everything by introducing Jango, he wouldn't have to change his voice. Even so, I always thought that his helmet had a voice changer or somthing, which would explain why it didn't sound like Jango's.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
Exactly right Yautja. In Young Jedi Knights, Nolaa Tarkona says that Fett uses a voice synthesizer to disguise his voice.
BFFC Moderator
And thus if George was SMART he would of thought that a guy wearing complete armour and helment unlike the other hunters in the room not only wanted to protect himself, but keep himself a secret. If he just blurted out his real voice everywhere, it would spell trouble.
George only changed the voice to try and connect the two trilogies in subtle ways, along with "fixing" the emperor, Anakin's force-ghost, and other crud.
-Captian Murphy
In other words, he wanted to make the new trilogy better by bringing the old trilogy down to its level.
BFFC Moderator
What an [edited for content]. Why didn't he fix the bloody new ones to conform with the already-perfect ones!? HUH!? WHY NOT!?
What an [edited for content]. Why didn't he fix the bloody new ones to conform with the already-perfect ones!? HUH!? WHY NOT!?
Becuase he's retarded.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
In other words, he wanted to make the new trilogy better by bringing the old trilogy down to its level.
Hardly. To bring it down to the PT's level would be to completely redo them. (But that would only bring the redone versions down, not the originals...) A few voice-changes and graphics updates do not make me like Star Wars less than I did before. If you like the old ones, just simply watch the old ones. Nothing is stopping you. The Original Trilogy is still exactly the same as it was before in that sense, but you have a few more options now.
It would have been a lot nicer if George had thrown in a few EU references or cameos.
Vong, Ssi-Rukk, Thrawn, mentioned offhand...
-Captian Murphy
Aurra Sing was Ep I briefly as a spectator at the pod racing.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Aurra Sing was Ep I briefly as a spectator at the pod racing.
I don't think that was a cemeo though... I think that is where Sing originated.
I was mortified. Both the scene with Rystall, and the new voice woke an anger inside me the likes of which have never been seen. Were the person who did that present, I very likely would've made his knees bend the wrong way, broken his spine, and made him look as I stepped on his throat, helpless to do anything.
That sounds very mean to do to some one.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
BFFC Chrys wrote:In other words, he wanted to make the new trilogy better by bringing the old trilogy down to its level.
To bring it down to the PT's level would be to completely redo them....The Original Trilogy is still exactly the same as it was before in that sense, but you have a few more options now.
I didn't say he succeeded in destroying the originals. And yes, I am watching the originals, but keep in mind that once my VHS tapes go bad, there won't be any DVDs to replace them with. Unless George has a change of heart, my unadulterated Star Wars viewing is on limited time.
BFFC Moderator
KudarMubat15 wrote:BFFC Chrys wrote:In other words, he wanted to make the new trilogy better by bringing the old trilogy down to its level.
To bring it down to the PT's level would be to completely redo them....The Original Trilogy is still exactly the same as it was before in that sense, but you have a few more options now.
I didn't say he succeeded in destroying the originals. And yes, I am watching the originals, but keep in mind that once my VHS tapes go bad, there won't be any DVDs to replace them with. Unless George has a change of heart, my unadulterated Star Wars viewing is on limited time.
Yeah, I also have the VHSs. Esses. Plural of VHS. I am desperatly trying to keep them in good condition, but it's harder than you would think.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
Thats because they only last so long, not to mention a lot of viewings wear down the qualities fast. Not much you can do to keep them in good shape I'm afraid ><
I try to never watch my VHS versions, just so some day in the far future if I ever have kids I can show them the originals. And so I'll have them in years to come. I can watch the dvds fairly easily except for a spot or two I turn away or mute it, so I don't mind saving on my VHS versions.
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hey way dont you just record your vhs to dvd. i works just fine.
If you want to explain how to do that, or find a link to a tutorial, I'm sure a lot of us would find it very helpful.
BFFC Moderator
I know you need a dvd-recorder-thingie, and I thought those were expensive? Or maybe they dropped a lot in price when I wasn't paying attention, they probably did.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
you can also just by a dvd player that can record and hook it up to your vcr and the hit record on the dvd and play on the vcr that could work im trying to find my friend so hey can give me the way he did it
They also have certain companies that transfer older videos to DVD for a fee.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
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