SO, does anybody here LIKE spongebob? I personally want to kill him. He is annyonig.
Topic: Spongebob
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
43 posts
Sorted by oldest to newesti like him but hate him at the same time!! muahahahahahahahahah! -- evil callum! :) :)
Hehe, I've had my days when I loved it. Compared to other cartoons, it's not too bad. I think that it's pretty random, and funny. It seems like they are trying to add too many morals and stuff so little kids can learn from it. I liked it a lot more before. Patrick is way cooler than spongbob.
praise?? you tratior!! patrick stinks with his gay friend spongebob
praise?? you tratior!! patrick stinks with his gay friend spongebob
Please don't call them gay, I see no reason to. And why is he a traitor, he never agreed with you in the first place.
As for liking the show, I think that if I am going to watch any cartoon on today, it would either be Spongebob or Foster's home for imaginary friends. Almost every other (kid-friendly) cartoon on television today makes me want to strangle the producers. Bugs Bunny was good wholesome comedy for everyone, kids and adults. Now they just make shows for.... actually I'm not even sure who watches them. Spongebob at least has some pretty funny random sketches and lines from patrick. ("I'm mad too... why is that?.... I can't see my forhead (lol))
Oh and I almost forgot, I love Billy and Mandy too. Great show. Fred Fred Burger, Fred Fred Burger...
Hail to the King Baby!!
I hate him. I was forced to watch half an episode and nearly went insane.
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HAHA! Besides, nothing can compare to Looney Tunes, they've been around forever. So has Tom & Jerry.

I love Patrick, thats the only person I like, O and Plankton He is so funny.
I loved the Looney Tunes as a kid and for awhile I liked Dexter's Laboratory and Cow & Chicken though I don't know if the latter were aimed at kids.
I dislike SpongeBob. On that note did you know the guy who did Mr.Krab's voice did Montross's voice in Star Wars Bounty Hunter?
Spongebob needs to die. There's only one episode I like though, and it was the Band Geek episode. Only reason I like it is because I can relate personally to it. :)
I loathe Spongebob. His laugh has to be the single most annoying thing in the entire world. Usually I like that kind of random comedy but Spongebob just is bleh.
Ok thats it everyone get your weapons. We're headin' to Bikini Bottom.
All I have to say to that is...OYA!:) Let's blow Bikini Bottom out of the water ! *evil laughter*
Form the mob, I'll hand out the pitchforks. Bring your own torches.

I was think torpedos adn such. but Yeah, I would love to destroy Spongebob >:)
Just go to the Nickelodeon hedquarters with some oil and a match (not really; I'm not supporting arson).
Form the mob, I'll hand out the pitchforks. Bring your own torches.
But we're underwater what good are torches gonna do? I would suggest we bring........melee weapons, like swords. Water can't put out swords. Which means SpongBob=mutilated.
Just go to the Nickelodeon hedquarters with some oil and a match (not really; I'm not supporting arson).
In this case I do support it. We can't have any more idiots made by the guys who created SpongeBob.
Well, ya know, there is this substance that actually catches fire when exposed to water....nitro-something-or-another-we could just dump a few hundred tons into Bikini part is, the more water there is, the hotter it gets *gives a manic laugh and drages 500 tons to the beach* then we could also have a smore coookout while we're at it....
Train your sons to be strong, and your daughters to be stronger.
There is Greek fire, which expands in water.
Well, ya know, there is this substance that actually catches fire when exposed to water....nitro-something-or-another-we could just dump a few hundred tons into Bikini part is, the more water there is, the hotter it gets *gives a manic laugh and drages 500 tons to the beach* then we could also have a smore coookout while we're at it....
Sodium actually. My pyro chemistry teacher loved showing us stuff like that. Spongebob is pretty funny sometimes...and I'm a big fan of Patrick. I love the forehead line! But yeah, cartoons are no where near as cool as they used to be. ( )
I used to be an avid fan of Spongebob. But then I stopped watching a couple years ago 'cause I got sick of the re-runs ( I had seen them all atleast three times!). I even went to see the movie in theaters. I know they have new episodes now, but I just don't have time to watch it. I've only seen a handful of the newer ones.
My favorite character was Plankton... I always like the misunderstood characters. lol.
I have my share of episodes because Patrick is hilarious but Spongebob is a little wierd.
The only episode I liked was "The Hall Monitor".
by far the best episode is when he learns the "sailor words" and its a dolphin noise. That episode brought me to tears.
―Peter Griffin
Nah, "Survival of the Idiots" is my favorite.
I like the one where he dies. :P
A guy can dream can't he?

yea, but its sponebob getting owned! and patrik getting his head blown off!
That wasn't even funny... and SpongeBob got shanked.
What an idiotic loser. When he's 40 he'll be loving with his mother.
Lmao i hope that was a mistake :P.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Spongeboba Fettpants?
Oh damn I meant living. If he was loving they'd have some funny lookin' kids.
Spongebob himself is an idiot. The show, however, does have afew funny bits. Like on the peisode where Mr.Krabs is in a coma:
"Doctor, it has come to my attention you have a patient on the sidewalk."
"That's correct."
"You can't do that, man! We're trying to run a business here."
"Yessir. Nurse!"
"I'm on it." *Shoves patient down a hill* lol
Cthulhu-Bob: .

lol, again Cute Perez, that is one of the ones I like Ph34r, funny Draco.