Since Valentine's Day is coming up I thought it fun to pair off some of the characters from SW. I think Aurra Sing and Darth Maul would make a "cute" couple. Provided that they didn't kill each other. Who would you pair up with Aurra Sing?
Topic: Aurra Sing 4 Darth Maul
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
51 posts
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i'd pair up Aurra and Yak Face. theyd make the cutest kids... lol
―Peter Griffin
Aurra Sing and Kenix Kil. Just because. Two hardcore people.
awww, you guys just want Sing and Mual together because they're both bald. Green machine,there is a thread about Boba Fett unmasked on the site...You have to go find it, I think it's in serious geeking.
virtualbettie, i dont think Sing and Maul would be a happy couple. cos maul would easily kill Sing if she annoyed him! :(
This is not a serious topic. It is very unlikely that any of the characters listed would date each other.
why do you always think my work is spam or not a serious topic!!? I'm sick of it! :(
No,no,Greenie. He means that we're not serious about SW characters dating each other.
Although Sing is a Jedi killer and so is Maul so at least they have that in common.
Wonder if she gets in any good radio stations with that antenna?
I am saying that this topic (Aurra Sing 4 Darth Maul) is not a serious topic. I am saying that all of your work is spam because so far most of it is spam. You have been posting perfectly fine posts in topics that said posts do not fit in.
Draco is a good guy, he just doesn't want the board to get bogged down with alot of messages in the wrong places.
So since this thread came about because of V-day I wonder if anybody did anything interesting?
Like bought a Mandalorian flowers and a box of chocolates?
ha ha ha! very funny vb my friend, but did you really buy him " mandorlian flowers " what a joke :)
your really not that funny green and I'm having my suspiscions that ZeRo Fett and green helmeted fett are one and the same, of course i may be wrong, just a hunch. Anyway, I didn't get anyone anything for Valentine's day. It's too overrated. But Draco there's nothing wrong to joke about this stuff. Another good match would be
Yoda and Yaddle. Which was another misconception of mine, I always thought they were married...
I'm not saying that there is anything wrong, Green was just taking it to seriously.
Oh ok, sorry about that.

Anyway back to topic. Who else do you think would be a good pair up with Aurra?
Since people were talking about other bald characters, maybe Mace Windu. They'd have a great time trying to think of ways to do each other in :P
i think Aurra and jango would make a nice couple .... i think!? :)
WHAT?!? Jango has his cool shapeshifting honey Zam. He would never trade in his purple suited killing babe for a once was a padawan turned assassin psycho bald headed biker chick.
Be for real..........................LOL!!!!!!!!
Such love, she betrays him, he kills her, perfect couple.
well the bounty hunters i know are bossk, dengar, 4-lom, zuckuss, boba fett, IG-88, that blue headed one in ep.4 in the cantina, aurra sing , jango fett and zam wessel.
Good. Now, this topic is about Star Wars characters who would date, etc., so out of the bounty hunters that you listed, and other Star Wars characters, who do you think would go together?
Though it is rather obvious, I would say Jango and Zam.
i dont know a male and a female that worked together except the ones that you chose
The only likely couple would be Jango and Zam, but that's been said already.
i know.
i know.
i know.
Greedo needs to be paired with someone. Let's pair him with Zuckuss.
Jango and Zam, but that's been established. Jango and Aurra can work as well. Zam and Aurra can also work as well.
Then Boba and Dengar and IG-88 and 4-LOM, only because they're both Droids.
Bossk can be paired with whatever Bounty Hunter gets "dumped" first.
Those are my pairings. Most are unlikely or will never work out, but this is just for fun right?
-Rampage, Beast Wars

Poor Bossk. There'd have to be some desperate creature that would want him. Maybe Aurra has a sister :P
i know! let's pair bossk up with that blue headed one in the cantina bar in ep.4!!
Can you find a picture of the blue-headed creature in the Cantina?
I got curious and looked for any sort of blue headed Cantina creature. The only thing I found was a pair of Duros. There is a black skinned Bounty Hunter named Djas Puhr in the Cantina, but I couldn't find any blue ones.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
Green, are you sure you do not mean Jabba's palace, or the bar that Obi-wan and Anakin went in during Episode II? By the way, Thylacine, I like your avatar. It is Soundwave, correct?
Blue skinned, nothing comes to mind. Pair Bossk up with Danniko Jerriko for all I care. I like Trandos but just not Bossk.
Green, are you sure you do not mean Jabba's palace, or the bar that Obi-wan and Anakin went in during Episode II? By the way, Thylacine, I like your avatar. It is Soundwave, correct?
Thanks. :)
Yeah, that's Soundwave.
Oh, and I just thought of a possible candidate for the Mysterious Blue Creature. Manaroo.
She's not a Bounty Hunter, but she is Dengar's Fiancee (which also makes her part of the pairings as well.)
-Rampage, Beast Wars
Didn't they get married in BHW? And she has blue-skin?
I've got an alligator handbag that Bossk can date, LOL.
{{ Greedo needs to be paired with someone. Let's pair him with Zuckuss. }}
Awww.... Poor Bossk is all alone... Hrrrmmmmm.....
Maybe he can fight Zuckuss for Greedo?
And that is GAY!!!! don't say mess like that.
1. This topic is dead.
2. If you do not agree with something someone else said, you do not need to insult them about it.
3. That member is no longer active, so telling her that she can only submit posts you like is pointless.

I have to agree with Draco on point two. Please don't insult other members of the board. Thanks.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
auran singe is so cute i dont know who would turn her down.any single mandalorian would do.
Not really shes practically bald and has really really pale skin.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I wouldnt....then when she wasnt looking take the lightsaber and RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE TOPIC NECROMANCER STRIKES AGAIN! (or would..if it wasnt 4 stone... :( )
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Not really shes practically bald and has really really pale skin.
Well, you have described Marilyn Manson, and quite a few girls are infatuated with him.
That's true draco. I'm sure that out of the WHOLE galaxy there is someone who would find Sing attractive. I think there is a fettish for everyone.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Lol. ;).
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
My advice to Aurra Sing: A:get a wig B: Order some rogain. C:Stop spending so much time on your ship, a little sun never hurt anyone......unless you have a skin condition or somthing like that. D: if all else fails, get spray tanned....only problem....youll go from
also Bossok and......................................................................................................................................who would go well with Bossok? poor poor bossok, well, but there's probably more people for him then there are for me(wow...did i just burn myself?)
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i say Darth Maul. he was the only good part of Ep. 1. 'nuff said.
(does Aurra Sing have a stamp? no, i don't think so...)
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
i want to date auran sing.shes a sex goddess.
i say Darth Maul. he was the only good part of Ep. 1. 'nuff said.
(does Aurra Sing have a stamp? no, i don't think so...)
Totally agree with you on the Darth Maul part. I only watch Ep. 1 just to see him:D
I've got an alligator handbag that Bossk can date, LOL.
poor Bossk, constantly being mocked.
however, It would be a good idea.......send it to NASA they might help :D
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Yes!! That's the one i meant. Djas Puhr. Lol.
I am getting 4 action figures of ep 2 today and some tusken raiders with a bantha. The big battle pack.
One of the figures of the 4 of the collectors tin is zam, lol. 4 - sora bulq, oppo ransisiss, zam wessell and mace windu
who can go with the white bearded snake Oppo? It's not his fault he's a bit different.
Who can go with Oppo, lol, that rymes...... ;)
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