Topic: Star Wars Bounty Hunter 2 Petition.
I don't know if this counts, but I want to start a petition to have a sequel to Bounty Hunter made. It will star Boba Fett, obviously. Also, this petition will also call for a "bonus disc" of the original Star Wars Bounty Hunter, which will contain a multiplayer perspective of Bounty Hunter. In multiplayer, you will be able to play as at least Jango, Montross, Komari Vosa, and Zam Wesell. AS i stated above, I don't know if this really counts, but maybe if we got a lot of votes, which I kinda doubt, then maybe we'll get our Bounty Hunter 2. Even if this doesn't work, it's worth a shot, isn't it? Anyway, who's in?
1st vote
1. Gustavo Perez. Email: