Topic: Yuzon-Vong war rpg
Hello, i'm kyale and this is the yuzon-vong rpg
I'm going to lay down some ground rules.
1.) you can ether be a yuzon vong, Jedi, Sith, bounty hunter, mecinary, and smuggler.
2.) if your a jedi or a sith pick any color of light sabre and 2 force powers
3.) if you are a yuzon vong pick a bodie part or orgin to give to the gods.
4.) if you pick bounty hunter or mercinary pick an armor color(a trim or not) and pick a weapon of your choice(no light sabres)
5.) smugglers can pick a transport, a blaster pistol or rifle, and your choice of a partner(you don't need a partner).
the story is about a sith yuzon vong who has stolen a very valuable item, the vong pearl. your job is to get the pearl and return it to the directions that you receve over your intercoms. the pearl is any thing but a jewel, its a weapon key. but now the vong have found out and are persueing the pearl, too. its your job to get to it first.
use any tactic you want to capture the pearl and remember, use your imagination.