Out of the two Star Wars Trilogies, which do you prefer? I personally love the old Star Wars Trilogy, it has a lot more meaning to me than the new trilogy and most of all one Boba Fett! :D
Topic: Old or New Trilogy?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Well, I like both a lot. They are pretty even for me. But if I'd have to choose, I would choose the Classic Trilogy. It has more emotian and feeling than the prequel trilogy. It also has a lot more of a neutral side to the Star Wars Galaxy.
While the prequels started to get cool from the point that Darth Maul appears in the Theed Hanger near the end of Ep.1, the Classic Trilogy is easily hands-down the better of the two. The prequels also ruined some of the mystery that Boba Fett had, and he deserved to either have stayed a mystery or been given a much more rich (and better acted) history... perhaps it will be dealt with a little more in next years TV series... one can only hope...
Out of the two Star Wars Trilogies, which do you prefer? I personally love the old Star Wars Trilogy, it has a lot more meaning to me than the new trilogy and most of all one Boba Fett! :D
I agree with Mel. It is interesting how the first part of the trillogy casts aspects of the second part in a different light.
I love them both. I wonder if years from now people will look at SW as a Saga instead of an Old and a New? lol, that's just something my BF says a lot.
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I love them both. I wonder if years from now people will look at SW as a Saga instead of an Old and a New? lol, that's just something my BF says a lot.
I actually never hear people say "Old" and "New". (Until now.) I always heard it "Original" (or "Classic") and "Prequel".
Well, yeah, me too. I was mainly using the words they used. I do that sometimes, if someone calls it one thing I call it that back to them.
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I like the Original best because of the story, but I do love Darth Maul in the new ones.
BFFC Moderator
Oh, yes, Maul's really cool!! I think his journal's the first EU I bought, or one of the first. And I gladly bought Shadow Hunter, although now I think it's depressing, it does show off Maul a lot. And I used to try to copy his saber fighting with a long bo my dad gave me.
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Ooh, have you read Star Wars Tales #28? One of the stories was about a five-yr-old Darth Maul, which is just wrong on so many levels. (Hey, we're online at the same time, yet at opposite sides of the country. One of the few times when we could actually benefit from having a chat room.)
BFFC Moderator
I don't remember, I prolly do have Tales 28 laying around here somewhere. But if I do I haven't read it yet. But it'd be cool to read that story! lol
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Well, I prefer the 'Classic' because it's what I saw and fell in love with as a young kid. The prequels sometimes have a choppy feeling to them, not to mention the all too occasional lame dialogue ("This party's over!") and a few cliche moments... And I don't think I have to mention the infamous Darth Vader "NOOOOO!" :P
Now, I'm not saying I completely dislike the 'Prequels.' They do have fantastic visuals.
Out of curiousity, what's wrong with the Vader-Noo in ROTS? I never found a problem with it...
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I'd have to go with the original trilogy.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Out of curiousity, what's wrong with the Vader-Noo in ROTS? I never found a problem with it...
Well, at least he didn't get down on one knee and clench his fist to the sky... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... you must admit, it was pretty cheesy....
What was wrong with it? I don't know, just that it was the same kind of thing you'd see in a parody cartoon.... But it was my favorite part of the movie (except for "Master Anakin, we're surrounded, what will we do?!")
BFFC Moderator
I thought the it was a little cheesy at first, but after the 5th time it started to grow on me. I think it is fine now.
Ugh. I never have felt more embarrased to be a Star Wars fan the moment I was in the movie theater hearing Darth Vader scream "NOOOO!" It seemed so awful and it's been done before too many times... In Spiderman 2 they had Doc Oc scream out "Noooo" when the robot arm things on his back took over his mind. Guess what, it didn't work either...
Ugh. I never have felt more embarrased to be a Star Wars fan the moment I was in the movie theater hearing Darth Vader scream "NOOOO!" It seemed so awful and it's been done before too many times... In Spiderman 2 they had Doc Oc scream out "Noooo" when the robot arm things on his back took over his mind. Guess what, it didn't work either...
Well, the real thing that makes it different from Obi-Wan or Luke's "NOOOO!!!" was the fact that you couldn't see the expression on his face behing the mask. That is what makes it seem more corny... At least, that is what I think...
Ooh, good theory. I hadn't thought of that before. It really makes a lot of sense.
BFFC Moderator
What would you have rather he'd done? Gone, "YAY My wife is dead, along with the child/children I would have had, my love is gone, my friends are dead, better yet, I myself killed my wife, oh, and since everything that was good in my life is now dead I'm all alone except for having you. Oh, I'm so happy." The "No" makes sense to me.
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Yeah, Anakin was only in the first stages of being a Sith Lord. He was much more of Anakin than Darth Vader in Episode V. The entire reason he became a Sith was to help Padme, and in doing so, he ended up destroying her. That's not something you would just say "Oh well." to...
Still it could have been done better, it was so Frankinstein. I'm amazed ol' Palpy wasn't screaming "It's alive, alive!"
Mind you the Rise of Darth Vader novel is brilliant in showing how Anakin slowly fades out of Vader. I really enjoyed that book.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Rise of Vader? I don't think I heard of that book, when did it come out? lol, I thought I was keeping a good track of what was coming out.
I never actually saw any Frankenstein movies (or even trailers or clips, I've only seen one small clip), I only read the book, so maybe that's why I'm fine with the no.
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Rise of Vader? I don't think I heard of that book, when did it come out? lol, I thought I was keeping a good track of what was coming out.
I never actually saw any Frankenstein movies (or even trailers or clips, I've only seen one small clip), I only read the book, so maybe that's why I'm fine with the no.
It was very recent... It is the sequel to Revenge of the Sith. You can probably find it at whatever book store you go to. I have it, yet I haven't gotten to reading it yet...
Ooh, I thought that was Dark Lord. I'll have to check for the RIse book sometime when I'm at a bookstore.
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Ooh, I thought that was Dark Lord. I'll have to check for the RIse book sometime when I'm at a bookstore.
Well, it kind of is. The title is Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader. Both names will work. :)
Ooh, lol, I'm an idiot. :P
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Ooh, lol, I'm an idiot. :P
Nah, it's a simple mistake. I used to think the same thing before... :)
Well, the real thing that makes it different from Obi-Wan or Luke's "NOOOO!!!" was the fact that you couldn't see the expression on his face behing the mask. That is what makes it seem more corny... At least, that is what I think...
Also, I think, that it did not really show care for Padmé, it just sounded like, "NOOOOO I am only doing this to get paid OOOO."
Kilroy was here.
Oops sorry about that, yes the book is Dark Lord: The Rise of Vader - I didn't have it handy at the time. And I agree, there wasn't much anguish in that cry it was like "crap did I do that?" ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I like both actually. I was intrigued by all the new (or shall I say old) technology they brought in with the prequals. But if I really had to pick, definately episodes 4,5 and 6. (Since Boba ownz)
Definately the old trilogy. The ONLY thing I don't like about the old trilogy is the fact that there are *sniff* no Jango clones... Pardon me Boba, I meant, er, well.... *opens mouth and inserts foot*
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
i agreed with the "NOOOO" but it was the way it was acted, it seemed more like "No, i've went to the toilet and i've ran out of toilet role" rather than "NO, i've lost my wife, the one who i loved the most".
As for the movies. Erm, i would say original, but that is because phantom menace lets the prequels down a bit. and there is no adult Boba in em. but still clones n jango make the prequels cool..
Actually I love TPM. :D Ok, now you can throw tomatos at me. :P
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Actually I love TPM. :D Ok, now you can throw tomatos at me. :P
I agree 100%. The Phantom Menace rocks, even though it is a little down the list in my favorites of the Star Wars films. It shows how the life of two ordinary Jedi went, with neither being the "Chosen One". It has a double bladed lightsaber and resembles a time of new hope for Star Wars. When episode I came out, every Star Wars fan knew it would be a while before Star Wars died out.
Actually I love TPM. :D Ok, now you can throw tomatos at me. :P
*lobs a tomoto* Two words... Jar Jar.... grrrrrrr mesa so hate him...
Miba wrote:Actually I love TPM. :D Ok, now you can throw tomatos at me. :P
*lobs a tomoto* Two words... Jar Jar.... grrrrrrr mesa so hate him...
Jar Jar isn't so bad... You just have to learn to ignore him...
Yeah, I don't mind Jar Jar. He's not among my favorite characters, but he's not among my most hated ones either.
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hey you guys who like the old trlogy which do you like the ones that came out in the 70s and 80s or the remade ones of the 90s.if you dont know what im talking about dose greedo shot frist or dose he get blow away by han in that cantna in Episode V.
Actually, the cantina scene is in Episode IV, and the name of the cantina is called Chalmon's Cantina.
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cool that i did not know (call myself a fan)
Really? I didn't know that either, how u figure that out?
Well, I know it's in Episode IV cause, well, that's ANH, and there isn't a cantina scene in ESB. So it's not Episoce V. As for the name, I think I learned it either in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, or in the SW Encyclopedia.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Yeah. Chalmon's Cantina is named for it's owner, Chalmon the wookiee.
It would be cool to know more about him too. In the Encyclopedia there's a picture, but that's about it. It would also be cool to see how Wuher (I think that's the right spelling?) got a job there, or where Chalmon is since he's never really seen that much? It might say, but I'm too lazy to get up in look. Maybe in a bit I will.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
It would also be cool to see how Wuher (I think that's the right spelling?) got a job there, or where Chalmon is since he's never really seen that much?
Wuher is spelled right, I don't think that's how Chalmun is spelled...
I agree, it would be nice to find out more about these two individuals. The TFMEC short story about Wuher was somewhat odd, from what I remember...something about Greedo and the perfect drink.
-Captian Murphy
Yeah, that story was weird. He found took Greedo's body and ground it up into powder for a drink? Or something like that. o_0
And thanks, lol, I never could remember that Chalmun was spelled with a u.
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Yeah, it was very strange... Wuher should set his goals higher. :P
Do you mean there is another trilogy?
the new star wars themed movies miss the mark on so many levels. there was actually some acting talent, but no script. cheesy? oh yeah, extra cheese. everything was overcompensated with computer graphics. Crazy amounts of action filling every second of every frame simply because they could. if they had payed more attention to the script and just a little less on bombarding the viewer with cg (like how its way overdone in the third matrix movie) they might have made some classics like the first.
They forgot the magic of the myth.
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