Topic: RPG: Zombie Plague
RPG: Zombie Plague
Setting: Over three thousand years before the movies – taking place one month after the events of SW: Red Harvest (this is prior to Darth Bane’s time).
Location: Initially on a planet called Odacer-Faustin where a Sith Academy had been. Then moving back to an isolated planet on the mid rim called Notix Prime – landscape: barren wasteland (think something like Mars but with more mountainous terrain).
Background: On Odacer-Faustin, Darth Scabrous discovered an ancient Sith secret that potentially promised eternal life. However the formula is flawed, it kills and reanimates the subject turning it into an insatiably hungry zombie.
The only way to stop a zombie is to cut it into as many pieces as possible. Decapitation doesn’t work as the head and body will continue to function separately (eg, the body could pick up the head and throw it at your character).
The Rules:
1. You may create any character you want. Clarify their name and species so others can follow their actions easily.
2. You can kill characters you create but you can't kill other people's characters unless they say they have been killed in battle with you. However you can wound other people's characters. Zombies are fair game.
3. You can have any weapon you want but you can only have what your character could physically carry - otherwise they wouldn't be able to move.
4. Be consistent, eg if someone says they blew up a building, don't suddenly be assaulting it.
5. If you have sustained many wounds you will have to either get medical help or eventually die. If you're a Jedi you can use the Force to help heal yourself - if that's one of your powers. If you’re bitten by a zombie, you will become infected.
6. Follow the storyline, sure add a few twists and turns but allow others to see where you want to go so they can help you get there.
7. Don’t be overly gruesome, younger readers may want to take part.
8. Have fun.
Info: Sith Ranks:
SW: Red Harvest:
Name: Darth Tibullus
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Affiliation: Sith
Rank: Sith Master
Appearance: Typical Sith, dark robes, gaunt face, yellow eyes. Tribal tattoo down the right side of his face to add to his fearsome visage, he only carries one lightsabre.
Apprentice: Rarja Telkent, human female (I will also be writing for Rarja)
Let us begin...
Darth Tibullus stood at the helm of his ship Vendetta watching as the frozen world of Odacer-Faustin came into view. The pilot made some comment about lack of communication from the ground and Darth Tibullus merely waved his hand with little concern, “Go down regardless.”
He already knew that communications were down. He’d had five spies on the ground at Darth Scabrous’ Academy. All of them had been silent for a number of weeks and that meant something was going on.
He’d tried contacting Lord Shak’Weth, the blademaster, however there had been no response. There had been no consideration in contacting Darth Scabrous as Tibullus knew he would not answer for his own twisted reasons.
From the spies’ last reports, Darth Tibullus knew that Scabrous was up to something. He’d locked himself in his demented tower, hardly showing himself to the occupants of the academy. It was also reported that a handful of students had gone missing recently, there was much speculation but generally the populace thought that Scabrous was abducting them for a darker purpose.
As the ship drew closer Tibullus was able to see that the tower was no longer standing, it appeared to have been destroyed in some sort of explosion. The buildings surrounding it were also impacted by the blast.
A further look and Tibullus noticed that the ancient library had also been destroyed, although it looked more from fire than an actual explosion.
Beside the pilot a Sith soldier, that Tibullus hadn’t bothered to remember the name of, tapped steadily at his controls. “Darth Tibullus, the readouts indicate an explosion in the tower area. There are no life signs in the vicinity.”
Tibullus raised a dark eyebrow, “Interesting, the student population was in the hundreds. Perhaps the explosion killed them all.”
The Sith soldier continued on, “Even in such circumstances there’s usually at least one or two survivors that have found shelter. Should we investigate?”
Tibullus scowled at the Sith soldier, to suggest a course of action to a Sith Master was something to be frowned upon in the least. “Since you’re full of ideas, soldier, you can lead the landing party. Make sure you take a Sith Lord with you, I will await your return. Be sure you have the data I need.” Tibullus said with a sinister edge to his tone. He raised his hand and pinched his fingers together in the unmistakable gesture of a Force choke grip.
“Yes sir,” said the soldier as he departed.
(Anyone please feel free to take up the role of the Sith Soldier or Sith Lord going out, Rarja Telkent will be part of the landing party).
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...