Whats your favorite line,fight or scene in the movies
Topic: Best Boba Fett scene in the movies
Note: this topic was started 13 years ago.
18 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestDoomFactor, I'd love for you to share your favorite scene with us too!
Anyway, if I'm going to watch a SW movie, it's usually ESB, simply for the Fett scenes. xD
I always look forward to the bounty hunter scene on the Star Destroyer, so that would have to be one of my favorites.
I also love the scene where he is taking Han Solo (in carbonite) to his ship and walking through the hall ways of Bespin-- I love that you can hear the clicking of spurs as his boots hit the floor. :D
Least favorite would be the obvious infamous scene from ROTJ Special Addition in which Mr. Fett "flirts" with an some gross looking alien whore-- I mean, "dancer girl." ;)
Least favorite would be the obvious infamous scene from ROTJ Special Addition in which Mr. Fett "flirts" with an some gross looking alien whore-- I mean, "dancer girl." ;)
AMEN. agreed
my favorite would be when Fett double's back and takes a few shots at Luke in cloud city. STUD
Really? Your LEAST favorite scene is when he flirts with the alien chick?
joking, lol, but how can you guys not consider Boba's God aweful and flat out embarrassing death scene his worst shot of the movies? I get sick just thinking about it. I quite honestly would rather have had Boba cut from Ep. VI than have that highlighted attempt at humor left in
Favorites would be both his lines pretty much challenging Vader in Ep. V, questioning the Dark Lord of the Sith's meathods that are placing his payday on the line. NOBODY else in the galaxy except Palps could talk like that to Vader
I would agree with those who selected his embraressing death from Return of the Jedi. The comic scream and pathetic flailing reakky insult the great stature and menace developed in The Empire Strikes Back. There is also the fact that Han manages to bring down the galaxy's top assassin by accident.
Are you aware that the blu-ray release actually used an alternate, slightly less farcical cut of Han knocking Boba's Jet?
As for my favourite: I like the shot of Boba standing outside Slave I ordering his men to
I like pretty much every scene Boba is in. Except where he's flirting with the alien dancing girl (NOT because she's an alien, but because I agree whole-heartedly with Jeremy Bulloch on the subject of 'I don't think Boba would do that'), and the whole.. falling into the Sarlacc thing. But hey. He survives that. No one else has ever done so. Go Boba. =3
My favorite scene is in ESB when Boba and Bossk and Dengar and all those guys are lined up and Darth Vader says, "No disenegrations."
My least favorite is when he flirts with Jabba's dancing girl.
My favorite scene is in ROTJ when he readies his blaster when leia disguised as the bounty hunter activates the thermal detonator and then after that when he slightly nods in acknowledgement, when Jabba agrees to pay the bounty for chewbacca. It's just the subtle movements that say so many words.
I agree with all the above about the dancing girl flirtation scene being the worst, not in fitting with the character at all. It's bad when he falls into the sarlaac but there are a lot of follow on stories set after ROTJ so all is good.
I like the Flirting scene ---> not my favorite but I liked it. And I was a little jealous he flirted with a dancing girl and not me LOL (jk).
OK BEST Boba Fett --> Well maybe not his best but what got me laughing out loud was in Cloud City: Lando walked up to him, looked at him, Boba staring straight ahead at first then looked over at Lando. I laughed so hard... I could (almost) see the look on Boba's face as he "looked" back at Lando.
Otherwise best Boba "He's no good to me dead".
I agree with Ghostcat - favorite part is the blaster scene when leia disguised as the bounty hunter activates the thermal detonator and then after that when he slightly nods in acknowledgement. It's just the subtle movements that say so many words. Really liked his demeanor and "ORIGINAL" voice in the ESB Carbonite scene as well! Gotta love "He's no good to me dead"
The dancing girl flirtation scene was totally unnecessary and totally destroyed the character by making him look like a turd! And Why, why WHY!!! does he turn around to look directly into the camera in the 1997 reboot of ANH in that not needed Jabba scene??? UGGG!
"Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold." was the exclamation mark on The Empire Strikes Back. Boba Fett's death in Return of the Jedi is of course extremely insulting and ludicrous!

ctxboy1981, definitely punctuation in "Empire."
But we'll see about "Jedi." In the new canon, he's neither dead nor alive. (We track this stuff at http://www.bobafettfanclub.com/news/fett-fact-check/is-boba-fett-dead-or-alive/.)
For favourite : All of them ! Ha ha ; I love when he is taking Han Solo through to put him on Slave 1. . Luke sees and is follow then out of nowhere, like BAM! Badass mothereffer takes a step and pew pew =D
Also ~ Loving how Boba is singled out by Vader ; Absolutely he's the best Bounty Hunter! !
Least favourite : That dumb death . . . What were they thinking with embarrassing and sad as f death for the coolest character in the film ? Jeez. I like to think he did escape -~ I mean , he is Boba Fett! =P
A really great scene of Boba Fett in the two movies is that scene of him looking over at Luke as Luke draws his blaster and then firing on Skywalker a few seconds later in The Empire Strikes Back.
When he hears luke unholster his gun in EMPIRE, than walks forward than BAM. fires back on him.Best line in my opinion, is "As you wish."

Loki, nice choices! Note that, in the new canon, he's neither dead nor alive. See http://j.mp/BobaFettDeadOrAlive for more about that all.
ctxboy1981, that was a great one. Really shows Boba Fett knows someone is following him.
MissileFiringBobaFett, good ones!
My favorite Boba scenes: those sketchy glances at Obi-Wan on Kamino. Those evil little laughs when Jango said "And we'll have a couple of surprises for him" and "Well, we won't be seeing him again". And (some hate this, but I love it) his flirting scene. ;-)