((Ok sounds fun I guess. Place has been pretty dead lately))
Name-Ordo S-1218/8853
Age-27 human years
Appearance-GUNGNIR Helmet, ODST left shhoulder, Sniper support right shoulder, FJ-PARA Chest, FJ-PARA Legs, Red Tac-Pad, Trauma kit utility, Blue eye cam, ALL Black armor.
Black medium length hair, looks almost like Carter, with a bit of a softer face. Aqua blue eyes.
WOC-Modified M392 Designated Marksman Rifle, SRS99 Anti-matter Sniper Rifle.
Ordo sat in the only Pelican left on the pad and waited for the rest of the team to assemble. While he sat doing so he calibrated his helmet's HUD to his rifle's scope."Damn it where are you guys?" He mumbled to himself soon growing bored with the activity. He'd just been transferred over to Bravo central defense from the outer rim's Pheonix Omega's. He missed the old team already and wondered what he was doing here on Reach.
"This is my face."
-Boba Fett