Topic: The Alternate Universe Topic

Hi, Guys (and girls) this is the "Alternate Universe Post" I made this so people can post alternate universes that ever popped into their mind! I'm going to give some that I had came up these past weeks.
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-If Adolf Hitler had been born in the Renaissance era and teamed up with Leonardo DaVincie.
-If Starwars was Steam-punk style (like space trains!).
-Transformers that came to earth in the industrial era instead of a weirdly impossible future.
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So yeah comment on any of these ideas or post your own! Have fun!

[color=green]Denmark! Your it![/color]

2 (edited by Karson Fett Wednesday, August 11, 2010 7:01 pm)

Re: The Alternate Universe Topic

-All females are good looking and have good personalities and are smart.

-Brett Favre is the closet to perfect you can get

-God took one vacation, the Dark Ages

Re: The Alternate Universe Topic

Wow, I would have so many of these...  This is the sort of thing I've been into since I was a kid.  My brother and I were home schooled, and to keep ourselves entertained that's what we would do for entertainment; at pretty young ages we created some pretty darn intricate alternate universes and roll playing them with toys or playing outside. 

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If the South had won the Civil War with various timelines following (I've never read them, but I've seen that Harry Turtledove wrote a series of novels covering the same thing)

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If Vikings had unified Scandinavia before converting to Christianity and various timelines involving the empire they forged

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I'll need some time to think of more of them, but those were our favorites as kids.  Those and of course our own Star Wars spin-offs, one of which was bringing Star Trek tech into the Star Wars universe (I built a Klingon Bird of Pray model and used it in our Star Wars playing), as well as using Mechs from the MechWarrior universe in Star Wars.

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

Re: The Alternate Universe Topic

Wow alot of these universes are cool espeically the all girls are attractive and if the south had won the civil war! Possibly more wars would of started and led to Americas demise I'm glad im not the only one that wonders "What if?" which was I was originally going to call this Topic. Another good one was if the dinosaurs never went extinct and evolved to the dominant species tell me what you think about that and please tell me what you think of Nazi DeVinci I was planing on writing a short story about it.

[color=green]Denmark! Your it![/color]

5 (edited by fairyblood Thursday, August 12, 2010 5:16 pm)

Re: The Alternate Universe Topic

- If Padme hadn't wussed out and died.

- 911 was prevented.

- If the Cold War got Hot.  (Fallout 3 anyone?)

- If Star Wars had magical girls in it...

Better yet, WHAT IF:

"Next time I'll just reach over and pull somebody's head off."

Re: The Alternate Universe Topic

Chewbacca von Beethoven?

Re: The Alternate Universe Topic

LOL!  Cool pic

And speaking of Fallout 3, video games and movies, as well as my own personal spin-offs of those, have been a major alternative universe for me for years.

One project I'm actually working on now is a plot combination of Fallout 3 and Lord of the Rings/Oblivion(the game).  A fantasy world that has fallen into total apocoliptic disorder.  No cities are still functioning, wild beasts and monsters are reclaiming the land as man and beastfolk are too disorganized and desemated to fight them off, and only small bands of survivors and marauders still fight for existence in the ruins of a shattered world

I've got several characters for this world, including a lone Viking/Barbarian raider, a clan of Vampires trying to restore humanity (and with it themselves behind the scenes), and various others.  Most of my charcters and storylines are based on stuff I did in the game Oblivion.  Great game... still get back into it once and a while

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

Re: The Alternate Universe Topic

fairyblood wrote:

Better yet, WHAT IF:

wow chewie seems to be everywhere in history

Re: The Alternate Universe Topic

Pure amazement!

[color=green]Denmark! Your it![/color]

Re: The Alternate Universe Topic

LOL My friend posted that squirrel one on facebook not long ago, and tagged his friends as different characters in the picture.

"Next time I'll just reach over and pull somebody's head off."