Yeah, glad your better
Topic: Post a Picture of Yourself!
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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right. first off, it was my friend's jeep wrangler (doors can come off). second, it was us being stupid. luckily the car wasn't moving too fast, but it goes to show you that gravity is a bitch.
"Ah, Gravity. Thou art a heartless bitch"
-Sheldon Cooper
Too many times has gravity gotten the best of me. They just need to get rid of it :P
Fett_II, the second pic is rather reassuring, lol. Sorry about the nasty spill and the door coming off, glad you're getting better so quickly. And you look better with hair :P
Mandolover <3, there's a "http" too much in the link. I tried it without it in a different window. Nice pic! You look like the HR girl at the firm where I used to work, lol.
Ouch. That happened to me once, except it was my leg that got hurt... And it was a convertable mustang and i was stupid and sat on the side and fell out. It was only going like... idk mph, but I was okay in about a month.

right. first off, it was my friend's jeep wrangler (doors can come off). second, it was us being stupid. luckily the car wasn't moving too fast, but it goes to show you that gravity is a bitch.
Gravity is a harsh mistress.....
--The Tick
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I bet you never go anywhere without a seatbelt again. ;) I was in a car accident without one once and nothing happened, I was perfectly fine, but that scared me into wearing one always.
And I was kinda figuring it was some sorta jeep or other type of car like that for the doors to be that way.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
oh its loads better now, i even have a full head of hair again!
long story short, i took a nasty spill from a moving vehicle. i didn't have a door or a seatbelt on at the time, so yeah.
I'm most relieved to see you're doing better, Fett II. That sounds like one whale of an accident.
Ok this is me a couple months ago. Do I look like a Graphic Designer? Still gotta find my image for that.
I guess I should make some new pictures but STILL didn't get my eyebrows done - they get terrible when undone, like I have werewolves for ancestors - and my hair isn't as sunny blond as here, my highlights also need to be done again. With the scorching heat lately it would have been all ruined as soon as out of the salon with the sweat. When I get them done I might post a pic again.
Fett II, how are you doing lately?? Did they repair that jeep door? :)
Ok this is me a couple months ago. Do I look like a Graphic Designer? Still gotta find my image for that.
:PI guess I should make some new pictures but STILL didn't get my eyebrows done - they get terrible when undone, like I have werewolves for ancestors - and my hair isn't as sunny blond as here, my highlights also need to be done again. With the scorching heat lately it would have been all ruined as soon as out of the salon with the sweat. When I get them done I might post a pic again.
Fett II, how are you doing lately?? Did they repair that jeep door? :)
Did you know that in the old days, if you had a uni-brow (not that I am saying you have one, don't get me wrong) you were thought to be werewolf.
Jeeps have there door removed.
repair the jeep door? the door is made to come off and on as the owner pleases.
repair the jeep door? the door is made to come off and on as the owner pleases.
Blonde moment. Sorry. :P
Don't have a jeep, so I wouldn't know.
Karson I do have a uni-brow if I let it.... And I do have longer teeth on full moon nights too. :P
Yes, those are real tattoos...
Wow!! You have a really cool outfit there.
Wow I love all the Fett gear and the tattoos are fantastic! Awesome.
One of these days I need to post a pic but I just got a new hair cut so I need a new pic. lol whatev :P
New pic is new.

Wow. Nice ink, there, AbyssGK.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Nice stuff AbyssGk, so daring! Very nice picture there fairyblood! :)
((taking a page out of the book of The Chosen One))
((taking a page out of the book of The Chosen One))
And where is the pic of you?
right click on the picture you want to show, select "view image location" copy and paste the address here.
like this
Cool pics guys. Draco you look like you could be related to Slash, lol.
and a lot more hair :D
and alot of work if you want to get to his talent too! but I think you play? do you play guitar or is it just me not remembering well? :P
Can I play guitar? No. No. No. No. No, no, no, no, no, no no no no no no. I'm still saying no. That's how much of a no it is.
Can I play guitar? No. No. No. No. No, no, no, no, no, no no no no no no. I'm still saying no. That's how much of a no it is.
Hmm. That's a lot of no's. You sure? :P
Long time I didnt play. Last summer I dated a guy who wanted to offer me a brand new guitar he just got. Guy was too weird, I couldn't accept, as I didn't want to have any bond with him. Would have been nice to play again though.
You really never tried?
Sweet face Karson. And you seem to have a sweet family too. Are you tall or is she short? :P
I am 6'0. I am short to Brett Farve. She is like 4 something
The quarterback? No idea how tall he is.
BFFC-Draco wrote:Can I play guitar? No. No. No. No. No, no, no, no, no, no no no no no no. I'm still saying no. That's how much of a no it is.
Hmm. That's a lot of no's. You sure? :P
Long time I didnt play. Last summer I dated a guy who wanted to offer me a brand new guitar he just got. Guy was too weird, I couldn't accept, as I didn't want to have any bond with him. Would have been nice to play again though.
You really never tried?
Oh I tried. It just didn't go so well haha.
@Draco, you just lack a good teacher. :P
@Karson, try bass. Even worse, lol. Can burn the whole side of your finger in really not long, lol. Just a question of habit though, after a couple weeks your fingers build their own natural shield to that and win in flexibility too.
You guys make me miss playing. So long.
I play bass...Upright grass style.
That's very different. Cool though. Can you play any complete song?
This is what I meant by Bass. I suppose I should have specified "Electric Bass".
The strings on an Upright bass are much larger than he one on the Bass Guitar, I can play both.
The bass in blue grass is just dum-dum, dum-dum G to D depending on what key your are playing in. No frets or Dots on an upright now way.
sounds really cool. Since when do you play that?
I'll be posting a new picture here sometime soonish. Because, I just got a helluva new haircut. =)
sounds really cool. Since when do you play that?
I have been playing for a while now about 5 years
@ Cecilia about the haircut : post away! Can't wait to see that, sounds awesome!
@ Karson : Wow I am really impressed. Do you really play everyday since 5 years?? I never knew you were a musician! You must be so good. Better than me, I only played guitar and bass for 1 year a loooong time ago. And never had any classical teaching or training, just damn KISS songs, lol. Any way we can hear your stuff Karson? Either you alone or with whoever you play with. I would love to hear that. After 5 years, you must be really good already. :)
Wow, really cool! :)
So when do you make a YouTube? :P
<-- frustrated :P
I wanted to hear your stuff.
My shoes arrived early. I think you guys might like them.
Boba Fett's Chuck Taylors also fight Aids, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. This is a FACT! ^_^
And if I ever want to go EMPIRE instead of JEDI I can always switch to light blue shoe strings.
Really cool.
Hope you don't mind, I was curious to see them with the Skull instead of the Converse logo and replace the white part by dark grey. What do you think?
or even better
oh well at least I tried
My post got swallowed...
Anyway. It said I like it. ^_^
And I might tweak them a little too but I'm scared I'll mess up.
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