Topic: I miss Boba !!

Seeing that picture of Boba on the  ''Lastest Boba Fett News'' he does look
so good in fact it's a good drawingof him  I think it reall y shows him as he is
above everyone ,watchful,in control,
We do miss him

Re: I miss Boba !!

What do you mean about "we miss him?" Have I missed something?

Re: I miss Boba !!

Ariana wrote:

What do you mean about "we miss him?" Have I missed something?

i think bats means how he "died" in SW epsidode 6. (he didn't)

oh!why'd ya slice of mah hand?!

Re: I miss Boba !!

Ah... okay. *Puts away the kleenex*

Re: I miss Boba !!

What are you talking about bats?

Re: I miss Boba !!

I know we keep him alive on this Board ,,but I do wish ,,we could
see him more on another show I find myself hanging onto little
glimpes we see him on Star Wars wouldn't it be great if MR Lucas
puts out a series on Boba Fett
Bats neutral  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

Re: I miss Boba !!

No, it wouldn't be great for a tv series about Boba that would destroy him utterly.

However, it does seem you've been somewhat under a rock as this is basically the year of the Fett. CV is all Fett-themed and Mandalorians are the new "in" thing.

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Re: I miss Boba !!

NO I'm Downunder !!!! tongue and we really don't seem to get these wonderful News Items,,I know TV wouldn't be a good thing for Boba
Just in Star Wars we saw more of Jango than Boba Fett,I would like to  see a Movie on Boba growing up and shows how he got to the
Bounty Hunter etc,just to see more of him than the short parts we
saw of him though they were Memorable
Bats cool  cool

Re: I miss Boba !!

bats wrote:

NO I'm Downunder !!!! tongue


I usually get my sw news at

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