Topic: Star Wars language

This is a page were people can make or learn about different star wars languages, I got the idea from another post called "speaking Mando'a" most of you would call this sealing well i dare say no, that post was for Mando'a but this one is for all languages such as Wookie, Gungan, Herglic, etc. Many languages were all ready made but many weren't. Since i made this Topic I will start off with my favorite species, Wookie!

Common words in Wookie (Shyriiwook)

* haaag ("doorway")
* awa ("go")
* yo agaaha ("headache")
* yaag ("how")
* muawa ("no")
* ohh haa ("okay")
* wuahh ("what")
* huaahh ("when")
* muaahh ("who")
* ah wu aaa ("why")
* uma ("yes")
* hrrrrrnnnn ("right")
* ur oh ("thank you")
* yuow ("good-bye")
* kourasaa ("coruscant")
* oid ("droid")
* yurinal ("journal")
* muaarga ("peace")
* rooohu ("you")
* wwrcahwowhwa ("friend")
* rahool ("fool")
* rah-rear rahh ("come here")

Sentences in Wookie (Shyriiwook)

* Wyaaaaaa. Ruh ruh. ("Hello. How are you?")
* Huwaa muaa mumwa. ("Can I buy you a drink?")
* Wua ga ma uma ahuma ooma. ("I think my arm has been pulled out of the socket.")
* Youw. ("Goodbye.")
* Kabukk ("Ancestor", "councilor", or "guide"; a common suffix to many Wookiee names.)
* Wyogg, ur oh. ("I am well, thank you.")
* Ruh gwyaaaag. ("I am a friend.")
* Roooarrgh ur roo. ("I have a bad feeling about this.")
* Hnn-rowr yrroonn nng rarrr!' ("Long live the New Republic!")
* Rrargrarg? ("Can I ask another favor?")
* Rowr ahragh awf ahraroww rowh rohngr grgrff rf rf. (approximately: "He says he's a Jedi Knight now.")
* RRRrrruurgh! Arrggg! ("I'm not happy about this situation.")

Counting in Wookie (Shyriiwookk)

(1) ah
(2) ah-ah
(3) a-oo-ah
(4) wyoorg
(5) ah wyoorg
(6) hu yourg
(7) muwaa yourg
(8) ah muwaa yourg
(9) a-oo-mu
(10) a-oo-mu wyadfadsfa

The Wookie language is mostly of growls and howls.The whole point was to make it difficult for outsiders to understand. The Wookie vocabulary is of hieroglyphics, no real images as every Wookie uses different images to explain story's or battle plans.

"That's 'cause droids don't rip people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that." -Han Solo to C-3PO

Re: Star Wars language

great topic

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

3 (edited by Miba Tuesday, December 29, 2009 2:25 pm)

Re: Star Wars language

Actually it's Wookiee, with two Es.

For languages you'll want Ben Burtt's book called The Galactic Phrase Book and Travel Guide. I get the feeling you copied from that for your post?

For OL reference you'll want my site, which gets a lot of information from the above mentioned book:

[ADMIN: Defunct link to starwarsdotcom dot com removed.]

(ignore the pronunciation guide, I've been meaning to take that down for some time now as I wrote it when I was a kid and I think a lot of it's pretty bad)

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
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Re: Star Wars language

I actually made half of it up, it wasn't to hard since they usually just howl growl all the time. It came to me when i watched Chewy talking and just filled up his words with things I thought he would say. I find it fun to make languages and see if people catch on.

"That's 'cause droids don't rip people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that." -Han Solo to C-3PO

5 (edited by Jaccoba-the-Wookie Tuesday, December 29, 2009 7:51 pm)

Re: Star Wars language

Now, children we will learn about the next language, Ewokese! Yeah! lol, sorry for the double post but I just decided to do another fury creature, the Ewoks! Here are some Ewokese vocabulary.


    * Aargutcha (ar gooch ah) - Pull
    * Acha (ah chah) - Okay, all right
    * Ad'am (Adam) - Underwriter
    * Ah (ah) - And
    * Ah-ah (ah ah) - Water
    * Akeeata (ah kee ah tah) - Hear
    * Allayloo (ah lay loo) - Celebrate
    * Ando (an doh) - Forward
    * Arandee (ar ahn dee) - Listen
    * Azar (ay zar) - Magic


    * Beechawawa (oh my)
    * Begoopa - (see yeha)
    * Bingee (bin jee) - Guide
    * Bi toto (bee toh toh) - Direction
    * Bok chuu-ock (bahk choo ahk) - Far away


    * Cha (chah) - Them
    * Chak (chahk) - Yes
    * Che (chee) - Free, as in liberty
    * Chesl (chess uhl) - Bring, fetch
    * Chim (chim) - three
    * Chiotto (chee oh toh) - May I have...?
    * Chiutatal (chy oo tah tail) - Moon
    * Choo doo (choo doo) - Enough
    * Chop (chop) - Got
    * Chu (choo) - one
    * Chup (chup) - your
    * Chuck (chuk) - Much
    * Churi (chor ee) - Mountain
    * Chyasee (chy ah see) - Help
    * Coatee - Celebrate
    * Coatee-cha (kote tee chah) - Celebrate
    * Coki (coke ee) - nine
    * Coro (kor oh) - Can you...?
    * Cupee (cupp ee) - Cap, as in an ice cap on a mountain


    * Danthee (dan thay) - Maybe
    * Danvay (dan vay) - Be careful
    * Dee fratta (dee frah tah) - That's, that is
    * Deej (deej) - Father
    * Den (den) - No
    * Dengar - Attack
    * De oppra (dee opp rah) - Upper, top
    * Doo - Night
    * Drik (drik) - Happy
    * Drin (drin) - Sick
    * Dutak (doo tok) - Arrow


    * Ee chee wa maa! (ee chee wah mah) - Wow, gee whiz! Oh my goodness
    * Ee choya! (ee choy ah) - Hey
    * Eedada (ee dah dah) - Over
    * Eedeeza (ee dee zah) - Ten
    * Eee (ee) - We
    * Eekeekeek (eek eek eek) - Forest
    * Eekeetuhkuh (ee kee tuh kuh) - Axe
    * Eetee (ee tee) - Long
    * Eleeo (ee lee oh) - Never
    * Eleeoth (ee lee awth) - Far
    * Ehda (ay dah) - Evil, Bad
    * Ehshtee (esh tee) - Give
    * Ekla (ek lah) - Big
    * Enenah (en en ah) - Where
    * Entzahee roda (ents zah hee roh dah) - Cook
    * E s'eesht (ee seesht) - Kill
    * Etke (ett keh) - More


    * Feef (feef) - Plant
    * Fektur (fek tur) - Medicine
    * Fic (fic) - two
    * Freet (freet) - Sister
    * Fruk (fruk) - Brother
    * Fulu (foo loo) - Circle


    * Geetch (geech) - Push
    * Gleeg (gleeg) - Drink
    * Glek (glek) - Sad
    * Glowah - Glory
    * Goo - Light
    * Gooka (goo kah) - Shelter
    * Goonda - Food
    * Goopa (goo pah) - Hi
    * Goot (goot) - Good
    * Graks (graks) - Monster
    * Grek (grek) - Hands
    * Grenchicit (gren chik it) - Hold on
    * Gunda - Good, or exclamation of a good event
    * Gyeesh (gyeesh) - Please


    * Heth (heth) - Pond
    * Hoji (ho jee) - four
    * Hutar (hoo tar) - Danger
    * Hveetin (he veet in) - Glider


    * Jad (jad) - Down
    * Jadgreh (jad greh) - Foot
    * Jarat (jah raht) - Branch
    * Jeejee (jee jee) - Face
    * Jeerota (jee roe tah) - Friend
    * J'voo (ja voo) - eight


    * Kash (kahsh) - Show
    * Kla (klah) - From
    * Kna Naa (kuh nah nah) - Spirit tree
    * Kra (krah) - Ready
    * Kreeth (kreeth)Cave
    * Kush (koosh) - Who, What
    * Kvark - Oh no


    * Loktok(lok tok)-Greetings
    * Lulalar (loo lah lahr) - Sing
    * Lungee (lunj ee) - Lost
    * Lurd (lerd) - Dumb, silly
    * Lurdo - Loser
    * Luu (loo) - Beautiful
    * Luufi (loo fee) - Flower


    * Manna manna (man ah man ah) - Food
    * Meechoo (mee choo) - I
    * Mookiee (moo kee) - Female baby Ewok, Wokling


    * Na-chin (nah chin) - Tribe
    * Na goo (nah goo) - Stop
    * N'dla (nah dla) - six
    * Neetuhl (nee tul) - Early
    * Ni gata (nee gah tah) - Where is...?
    * N'la (nah la) - five
    * Noroway (nohr oh way) - Which
    * Nuv (nuhv) - Love

    * Oh (oh) - Too
    * Ooba (oo bah) - Rain, Rainfall
    * Oodeed (oo deef) - Sweet
    * Ota (oh tah) - To


    * Paamuk (pah mook) - Power
    * Pibooka (pih boo kah) - Clearing
    * Pola (poh lah) - Polar
    * Powa (pow wah) - Power


    * Reh rehluu (reh reh loo) - Dance
    * Reshee (resh ee) - Map
    * Roda (roh dah) - To eat
    * Rueenee (roo ee nee) - Ruins
    * Ruha (roo hah) - Hit


    * Seefo (see foh) - Hurt
    * Sheeu (shee oo) - Name
    * Shetai (sheh tie) - Warrior
    * Shodu (sho doo) - Mother
    * Sirut (seer oot) - Door
    * Siz (sihz) - Fire
    * Sku (skoo) - Hello
    * Sleesh (sleesh) - Berry
    * Sta (stah) - Now
    * Stoja (sto jah) - Station
    * Sunee (suh nee) - Sun
    * Sut (sutt) - Soon


    * Ta (tah) - The
    * Tal (tale) - Sun
    * Teeha (tee hah) - Thank you
    * Teeket (tee kett) - Heart
    * Thees (theess) - Good
    * Theesa (thee sah) - Baby, child
    * Thek (theck) - Here
    * T'hesh (tuh hesh) - Quiet
    * T'hesh te (tuh hesh toe)-Quiet Now!
    * Thuk (thuck) - Rock
    * Toe (toe) - Now
    * Too - Fight
    * Treek (treek) - Go
    * Treekthin (treek thin) - Journey
    * Treeta Dobra (tree tah Doh brah) - Council of Elders
    * Tu (too) - The
    * Tyatee (ty ah tee) - Come


    * Veek (veek) - Quick
    * Voo (voo) - seven


    * Weewa (wee wah) - House, home
    * Wegoopa (wee-goopa) - Goodbye

    * X'eef (zheef) - Ground
    * X'iutha (zhoo thah) - Important


    * Yah wah - Power
    * Yayath (ya yath) - Jump
    * Yeh (yeh) - Old
    * Yeha (yee hah) - Good bye
    * Yehan (yeh han) - Peace
    * Yesh (yesh) - Right, correct
    * Yiyult (yeye yult) - Cup
    * Yit (yitt) - Thing
    * Yub nub (yubb nubb) - Freedom
    * Yubnub (yub nub) - Hurray
    * Yud ehda (yood ay dah) - Alas
    * Yuf (yuhf) - Climb
    * Yungyet (yung yett) - Nut
    * Yun yum - Very good
    * Yupyup (yupp yupp) - Rejoice (regoicing)


    * Zeeg (zeeg) - In
    * Zehg (zayg) - Out

Ewokese was a primitive language, Ewokese had no written form. Ewoks were able to learn and speak other languages, including Basic. Yuzzum language is exactly the same as Ewokese leading to believe that Yuzzum's are related or took it from the Ewoks.

"That's 'cause droids don't rip people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that." -Han Solo to C-3PO

6 (edited by Miba Wednesday, December 30, 2009 7:01 am)

Re: Star Wars language

If you make up the language yourself be sure to tell people you did so so that no one goes around saying they learned from an official source or something. Because that Phrase Book has Shyriiwook in it already. My own language section doesn't have anything in it that I made up myself, which means that people won't sound stupid when they go around speaking it, because it's real. Anyone can sit down and go "hefadheiouad = Hello" and then try to tell people, oh, that's Tusken Raider language. But that doesn't make it so.

btw, I notice your title says "Wookie". It's actually spelled Wookiee, with two Es. You can change that by going into Profile, which is at the top of the page, and then into Personal. Also, to fix your username, which also spells Wookiee incorrectly, you can send a PM to Aaron, our admin, and he can fix that for you.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
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Re: Star Wars language

Miba i have got most of this from wookieepedia, im not just sitting down and going "neijkbsg" mostly all of the wookiee stuff is all screams and animal stuff so I thought would be an appropriate language and for the Ewoks they usually mumble and make little sounds. Im going to fix my name ok.

"That's 'cause droids don't rip people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that." -Han Solo to C-3PO

Re: Star Wars language

Ahh, there's the problem. Never trust information you get from Wookieepedia.

And I'm sorry to have nitpicked about Wookiee spelling, it's just one of the things that irritates me the most.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Re: Star Wars language

Alright then i'll start looking for better starwars information, and im glad we found out the solution i thought you had something against me

"That's 'cause droids don't rip people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that." -Han Solo to C-3PO

Re: Star Wars language

Whats wrong with wookieepedia?

"Everyone dies. It is the final and only lasting justice."
―Boba Fett

Re: Star Wars language

I'm sorry, nothing against you. It's good to see people interested in the various SW languages. smile

Wookieepedia thinks they know it all and they don't and they spread mis-information. It's a good starter maybe, and over the last few years they've gotten better I admit, but I still wouldn't trust them fully. I'd find at least two sources before you believe anything on there. And check the sources, too, btw. There was one article, I don't even remember what it was, but on wookieepedia it listed it's source as being wikipedia. ...the same article on wikipedia lists it's source as wookieepedia.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Re: Star Wars language

Sorry I have been a closet SW fan for too long. I have read all of the books (Except clone wars era cause I think a lot of them are lame) so I always thought that was the only means of knowing SW. I have only just started getting to know the rest of the SW fan community. I discovered wookieepedia about three months ago and this website recently.
I started looking and poking around to do research for a book and thought maybe I could find sources for information. I am hoping to write a book about Boba that is more fan oriented. I like the idea of having the approval of the fans because Boba Fett is the only SW character that was resurected by sheer fan power. GOTTA love the Fett.
By the way if anyone wants to talk to me about the book I am thinking about putting togeather I can always use good information.
If anyone would like to talk to me about it let me know.

"Everyone dies. It is the final and only lasting justice."
―Boba Fett

Re: Star Wars language

Je'karta boba all ready had a kid and she hates him then she had a child but she liked boba and they formed an alliance.

"That's 'cause droids don't rip people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that." -Han Solo to C-3PO

Re: Star Wars language

Aha!!! But this story would be about the child of Mirta, therefore his great grand child and set farther in the future than current literature

"Everyone dies. It is the final and only lasting justice."
―Boba Fett

Re: Star Wars language

Spoiler alerts would be very nice for those of us who haven't read that far.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Re: Star Wars language

Sorry Miba I didn't mean to spoil the story's.

"That's 'cause droids don't rip people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that." -Han Solo to C-3PO

Re: Star Wars language

How about something in Huteese!

EEB- toor JAHT-nay toor ASH-ahd-KEE-ram-oor  - Today is a good day for someone else to die -

Re: Star Wars language

so wait, is this an official language or is someone just making this up for this post? heh

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

19 (edited by Miba Wednesday, February 24, 2010 4:04 pm)

Re: Star Wars language

All the languages on my site are official, from Ben Burtt's book, and a few other sources I don't remember where all, but I try to make sure everything on my site that's information is from real sources, I try very hard not to just make stuff up. The Ewokese and Shyriiwook up there aren't official. Some of it's correct, but a lot of it I don't even recognize.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Re: Star Wars language

You got any more? That's neat.

"I'm just a simple girl trying to make my way in the universe."

Re: Star Wars language

mandolover<3 wrote:

You got any more? That's neat.

[ADMIN: Old link to defunct starwarsdotcom dot com removed.]

That's all I have.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Re: Star Wars language

k. Good enough if you did all you could.

"I'm just a simple girl trying to make my way in the universe."

23 (edited by Miba Monday, May 31, 2010 2:46 pm)

Re: Star Wars language

You could also look into the Galactic Phrase Book and Travel Guide, found on or your local book store. It's where I got most of what I have on my site.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Re: Star Wars language

Got a link for those?

"I'm just a simple girl trying to make my way in the universe."

Re: Star Wars language … amp;sr=1-1

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music