Topic: A Call of Duty RPG
What do you guys think if I started a Call of Duty RPG.
The reason I am asking is because most of the RPGS I make die quickly.
If yall will tell me what yall want in a Call of Duty RPG I will be more than happy to make it.
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Role Playing → A Call of Duty RPG
What do you guys think if I started a Call of Duty RPG.
The reason I am asking is because most of the RPGS I make die quickly.
If yall will tell me what yall want in a Call of Duty RPG I will be more than happy to make it.
That would depend on the era setting of the Ro. If you were to do a WW2 RP then I'd like to seem some action in some of the Pacific battles such as Guadalcanal, Pelieliu, Makin Atoll, etc. If you were to however base it in a more modern war variation I'd like to see action in some mountain ranges or tundras. Other than that I really don't mind whats in it I'll RP just to RP. LOL. Good luck Sir!
I was planning on doing it in the time between the Modern Warfare games.
As I previously stated I'd really appreciate seeing some arctic mountain/tundra setting in at least one battle or so. But I think that fights that move around globally would be key to the RP because a battle in one area that doesn't last too long is sure to kill off a RP. So say acouple extended major battles in some areas, with other smaller yet key skirmishes in other places. Factions will also need to be present with the face of war showing itself in our day and age looking as it does.
I am sorry, but I dnt think I quite understand that last sentance in your post
I meant that in modern war only frontline, ummm.... straightforward combat is easily seen as country A , country B. More advanced or subtle warfare becomes hazy and the like. So possible factions or groups may be set up to more easily help the flow of the RP's combat and storyline. Sorry for the confusion. My wording is a bit eccentric at times. Although come to think of it it doesn't really make much sense to me now. Sorry bout that.
its okay, and I think that i am going to sit down and make this RPG after school tomorrow.....
Alright sounds cool. Definitely looking forward to it.
Well were we go.
BACK STORY: Just mere months after the destruction of Washington DC, the U.S. Armed Forces push the Russians out of the United States and in to the Atlantic. With the death of Lieutenant General Shepard, and the exposure of his corruption (kept top secret), the last of the commandos of Task Force 141 were released and there false charges dropped. However the members of Task Force 141 were relocated, and discharged from their respective countries Armed Forces, to help keep the corruption of Shepard a secret. John Price and Jon MacTavish however were reassigned to Advanced Commando Training for Recon Applications Program, also known as ACTRAP. For training the new Task Force that was being formed, Task Force 102, also known as the Stray Dogs.
After the training, and successful testing of the first Squad of Stray Dogs, Captains Price and MacTavish (aka Soap), were promoted to the rank of (4 star) General and each given command of the United States Rangers (MacTavish aka Soap) and the 82nd Airborne (Price), while still over seeing ACTRAP and hand picking its members from all nationalities.
Mean While:
Sergeant Foley, Corporal Dunn, and Private Ramirez are selected by Price and Soap to be some of the first official Stay Dogs. Upon graduating ACTRAP, Sergeant Foley was promoted to Captain and made a Stray Dog leader. Corporal Dunn was promoted to First Sergeant and severed as Captain Foley's second in command Private Ramirez was made a Sergent First Class and kept
Character Sheet (example)
Country of Origin:
WOC: (that's weapon(s) of choice)
Background: (no necessary)
Task Force 102 has been sent to the Russian-Georgian border to Capture a key leader in the new ultranationalist movement, Ivan Puskov. He has a vacation retreat in the mountain that Task Force 102 intel says that he is at. It is also known that he has a small army of security personnel, that will die rather than let Puskov be taken away. Task Force 102 led by Captain Foley, will drop in the mountains away 800 meters away from the vacation home capture Ivan Puskov.
Name- Adelmo Herzch
Gender- Male
Age- 32
Country of Origin- Germany
Rank- Lance Corporal
WOC- ACR (Silencer, ACOG MK3, Heartbeat Sensor, Keyhole Mk 5 Shotgun Attachment, Fore grip), M9 (Silencer, Red dot)
Appearance- Stern faced, Somewhat tall, Skiiny w/ slight build. Scar under his left eye.
Skills- Close quarters ballistics/combat, Terminal hacking, infiltration & recovery.
Personality- Sarcastic/grim humor, loyal, serious during serious ops.
Backround- US Navy Seal Para troop division, served in just over 30 ops, on a recent mission all comm chatter and UAV intelligence was scrambled and cut. Outmanned and outgunned Adelmo snuck past the majority of security, captured the fugitive one Frank Lucas and successfully brought him back to the extraction point. During the op however one of Frank's guards manged to get close enough to creat a smal gash under Adelmo's eye, the man was quickly dealt with, making him the last obstacle between him and the objective.
Adelmo grabbed his duffle bag and headed over to the only Chinook on the pad today. He'd been given precise orders to be here at 0400 exactly, but there was noone here. Walking up the ramp, he looked up and a man wearing a field officers outfit stood before him 4 stars on his chest.
"Sir" Adelmo saluted.
The man saluted loosely. "Hands free soldier"
"Yes sir." Adelmo dropped his hand "If I may sir why exactly did you want me?"
The man turned around his back facing Adelmo "Because I''ve been building a team you see and you've sparked some serious interest amongst me and my peers."
Adelmo shifted uncomfortably "Me sir, you've been watching me? What kind of team"
The man walked forward into the chinook's interior. "The kind that saves planets."
Name: Rody Quinn
Gender: Male
Country of Origin: Southeastern United State of America
Rank: SSG (thats Staff Sergeant)
WOC: M16A4 w/ M203 & Silencer, akimbo Colt .45, bowie knife
Appearance: Tall, average build, defined features, gray-blue eyes, brown hair
Skills: demolitions, survival, marksmanship, and melee combat
Personality: friendly, all around sense of humor, loud, serious when need be, at times cocky and fearless.
Background: Staff Sergeant Rody Quinn was born in Auburn Alabama. He joined the
U.S. Army at age sixteen. He progressed through the ranks quickly, by the time he was 19 he was sergeant. He transferred to the 82nd airborne and became an engineer. He was promoted to staff sergeant and made platoon sergeant over the engineer platoon.
Adelmo stood ready and impatient. The general had said 0800. Was his watch off again. "Damn." He loathed the thought. Punctuality was something he prided himself on. The general walked into the room. "As soon as everyone has assembled, we'll begin the mission breifing. Abit early aren't you Adelmo."
((I am confused where are you man? Is it where the squad gets it briefing or...))
((Yea squad briefing. Didn't know where to exactly locate it. Your call man.))
Staff Sergeant Rody Quinn was late. Quinn was hardly ever late to a briefing and he hated being late. He was one of the youngest staff sergeants in US history, at age 20 he was also one of the youngest members of task force 102
The new recruits were suppose to be the at the briefing with the rest of the squad hand picked by Captian Foley himself. As one of the new recruits Quinn was ready to prove himself. He was coming in as a demolitions expert replacing one of the men that was killed during the last mission, or so he had been told.
Quinn looked down at his watch. 0759, and Quinn was still on the elevator to the command tower.
The base of the Stray Dogs was a "oil tanker" that was afloat in the Antarctic sea. The ship didn't carry oil however, it was much more than that. But all Quinn was told about the ship is that it was a base and that he had to be in a meeting by 0800.
The elevator finally reached the top. Quinn made his way to the briefing room. As he entered he saw only two people. 0805.
Quinn offered his hand to the nearest man. The man took it and shook.
"Staff Sar'ent Rody Quinn, friend, who er[are] you?" Quinn asked with his normal southern twang.
"Lance Corperal Adelmo Herzch," the man responded with a hint of German in his voice.
"Nice tah, meet ya Herzch, what unit you frum?" asked Quinn.
"103rd Para troop division with the SEALS. I was part of Commander Sintertson's unit. Good to finally meet some of the team. Speaking of wich is this it. I mean two people is hardly a threat. regardless of rank or skill." Adelmo braced himself for an earful. That last comment was abit off.
"I 'magine that weer kina errlay," Quinn said as he found a seat at the large table that was in the room.
The general nodded in agreement. The door sung open and a middle aged black man entered the room.
"General," the man began," are these the replacements?"
"Yes, Captain, they are, and they are very early for their fist meeting," the General said as he was setting up the presentation equipment. "Gents, this is Captain Foley, your leader."
Quinn got up and shook the captain's hand. "How ya doin' thare cap'um?" asked Quinn, "I'm Rody Quinn, Staff Sar'ent, Iveaben[I have been told] dat, I'lla be raplacin' yer old dimo expert, can I assk waut[what] happen to 'um?" Quinn said as he introduced himself.
"He was killed by a premature blast from a bomb he set," replied Foley.
"How ironic" Adelmo sighed. Standing up straighter "sir if I may what exactly am I replacing. My skills are quite diverse but I think It'd help if I narrowed my sight onto one or the other."
Foley smirked. "You'll be replacing my field reconnaiscance officer, Tech, and point man."
Adelmo dropped his composure for a moment. Then swiftly recovered. "Abit of a heafty responsibility sir."
Foley turned and looked at Quinn. "Then don't let us down."
Name:Mike O'Connor
Gender: Male
Country of Origin: USA (Texas)
WOC: M4A1 w/acog, M14 w/scope, M1911 w/ removable silencer
Appearance: Average Height, about 210, muscular, Brown short hair in a high and tight, hazel eyes
Skills: a, stealth, stalking, interrogation, translation
Personality:Very shy, Trusting of his squad mates. Quiet.
Background: Mike joined the Marines right out of high school and his marksmanship was evident from day one of rifle training. Spent 10 years as Marine Force Recon Scout Sniper. Is here to become a Stay Dog Sniper. But was moved to be the Unit's scout.
Mike hated being late, but he hated not knowing what exactly he was doing, as a scout sniper he was trained to know as much as he good for he good of the Unit, and not knowing was starting to bug him. However it was 08:15 and he was stressed, the helicopter had a mechanical failure and he had to get on a new one.
"I ****in hate this god dammed cold" he mumbled to himself as he walked to the door and opened it so see a 4 Star General, a Captain, another SSG, and a Lance Corpral.
He smartly saluted the Officers and introduced himself.
"SSG O'Connor reporting for Duty, Gentlemen" he barked out as his drill Sargent had taught him 10 years ago.
((Oh how I wish this RPG wasn't dead!!!!!))
(( Seco, bring it back? ))
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