Don't you think mandalorians should fight the empire. In 501st Fenn Shysa was making a small army on mandalore but you never see the army. Don't you think they should fight the empire?
Topic: Mandalorian wars.
Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.
13 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI think they need to stay neutral unless they threaten Mandalore. If they do fight against them then most of the merc trade would dry up considering the empire does hire alot of mando's to track down bounties.
Not to mention that, even as tough as the Mando's that are left are, the Empire would eventually just roll over them. Too many troops, too much resources.
The Mandalorians would fade away into the ranks of the Rebel Alliance or Outer Rim; they will always survive. But it would mean sacrificing their home system for a fight that really isn't theirs in their view
Well, fighting the Empire. Man, that sounds to me like a pretty idiotic idea. Even though I truly believe that Mandalorians are tough and can take a lot, the Empire is a pretty big army to go up against, even if you have a good number of determined Mandos. But hey, who am I to say that they shouldn't fight? But in my opinion, fighting the Empire (keep in mind that its just Mandos vs. The Empire) I don't think thats one of the smartest ideas ever made. And I agree completely with Ralin Drakus, the Empire would eventually just roll over them.
Fenn did lead an army against the Empire. They covered it during the old Marvel comics at the City of Bone on Mandalore outside Keldabe.
Fenn was a hero after that and became Mandalore.
After all the new material however: The new trilogy *which explains Boba's true origains,* Karen Travis *who never mentions the existence of the city of Bone*, and now this damn kiddy show, I wonder if any stock is left in that comic.
I've always loved the idea of the City of Bone, if not quite in the same visual look as was portrayed in the comic. But it just doesn't seem to exist any more in current writing/canon. And with KT's work in jepordy, can we even say with any certainty that Fenn or Tobi even exist any more?
who knows anymore...... *sigh*
I think we can. Just because KT did write about Tobbi Dala and Fenn Shysa does not mean they don't/didn't exist in Boba Fett's life. Back to the topic I do not think the Mandalorians would fight the empire unless it threatened them directly.
Fenn and Tobbi existed, the only thing that has been changed is something that Karen changed anyway. When she put out Order 66 she changed canon by saying that Fenn had been Mandalore for like 19 years, which woulda been during the Clone Wars. This show only changed it back to the original timeline before Order 66 so far
We'll see how it all gets sorted out someday tho

After all the new material however: The new trilogy *which explains Boba's true origains,* Karen Travis *who never mentions the existence of the city of Bone*, and now this damn kiddy show, I wonder if any stock is left in that comic.
I've always loved the idea of the City of Bone, if not quite in the same visual look as was portrayed in the comic. But it just doesn't seem to exist any more in current writing/canon. And with KT's work in jepordy, can we even say with any certainty that Fenn or Tobi even exist any more?
who knows anymore...... *sigh*
Actually, she does mention the existence of the City of Bone in the Imperial Commando book and the Imperial Garrison that was being located inside of it.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Really?? That's awesome! I'm curious as to how she describes it/backstories it, if she does at all, but this sounds like a point I must give back to her. Now I really must find Imperial Commando *my local yokal stores havn't been carrying it lately...*
ya it's mentioned as a source in the wiki article
look at the bottom, Imp commando 501st
One would think that the rebels would want the support of the mandalorians, that is if they new their history.
Not really. Historiclly the Mandos are the age old enemies of the Republic and everything it stood for, not to mention they have a solid history of alllying themselves with the Sith when it suits them.
The New Republic might have a lot more in common with the new era Mandalorians then ever before, and during the post-Endor timeline an allience could benifit both sides, but using history alone wouldn't foster an allience in any way