Back in South Dakota, it was weird if it wasn't a white Christmas! Snow on Thanksgiving was somewhat common as well. Here though, it's only snowed three times in the ten years I've lived here (and never at Christmas or Thanksgiving), so snow on the valley floor is pretty rare.
Topic: Which State/Province?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
124 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestWe had snow back in early October. In fact:
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That was taken around two weeks before Halloween. Note the green leaves going, "wtf? What is snow doing here now?" It all melted though. But it was trying off and on to flurry last week.
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Lot of green leaves for October, I figure they would've been in the middle of turning by then.
The non-native trees here are begining to drop their leaves, but theres so few of them it doesn't matter, and they grow back pretty fast. The native trees don't change and drop, though.
Also all our winter "friends" are back in full force.
Well, this year has been weird. Winter didn't end till May or June and then summer was hot with intermixed cold spells. It was all just really weird this year.
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yeah, this year made no sense. i was wearing a hoodie until the end of school, and then for like two weeks it was warm (perfect for graduation) and then 2/3 of the summer was rain and depression. and the weather has been going up and down. we've had random warm days in november, leaves changed normally (good thing), and even today wasn't that cold, i went out in a t-shirt and was fine walking to class.
Well, now that you mention it, we were having 80 degree weather here until a couple weeks ago. It was so nice, but hey, I'll accept cold weather for Thanksgiving. Nothing warms up a cold house better then food in the oven! ;D
AZ iis not bad at all. just stay in the house when it's hot. Plus we have the most public and privet pools out of all the US states. I live in the midle of Phoenix and there is always something to do. Ball games and what not. and in the winter it's never too cold so I love it.
I'm from florida so every day is a spring day. I wore shorts and a tank top to the beach, on Christmas day!!!!
Utah here.
Oh, I love Utah!!! It's so pretty there. If I could call anywhere home that's it. I love all parts of it, the salt plains to the north, the middle area where SLC is, the shrubby area in the middle, and even the deserts of the south. mmm.... I was born there and have lived there for some years. I don't live there anymore. I wouldn't mind moving back someday maybe.
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Im not to far from Salt Lake City. In fact if you know where the amusement park Lagoon is ( If you can really call it that) I live right by it. I love to ski in the winter. Did watching the 2002 winter games that were held here make ya home sick? Where in Utah were you living?
We moved around in SLC. Sandy, Midvale, someplace on the east side, Murray, and a few other places around SLC. My dad currently lives south of SLC. Main reason I don't move back. My mom would throw fits upon fits and say I'm moving back cause I want to be closer to him or something. Whereas my dad doesn't care where I go. I don't know where Lagoon is. And I didn't watch the olympics, I didn't care about them back then (I was 15), but if I had I'm sure they would have.
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Man thats got to suck. You shouldn't let that stop you. If you want to move back move back. There are plenty of places that are a way from Saltlake then your mom would not feel like that. Or hey say move with me.
She might move with you. -- Sorry forgot to add this before I closed my quote.
She wouldn't move, she's happy where she is. And, eh, I'm alright here. Montana's got no sales tax, when you check out at the register everything is exactly the price the tag says it is. And there's another reason, but it sounds bad, so I don't say it. And right now the way things are, moving anywhere at all is a bad idea cause there's no way to make sure I get a job there, or keep my hours if I transferred.
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Yeah you are right it would be hard to move. But I like to get out of Utah every so often or I go nuts
Oh, yeah, I get itchy to go somewhere all the time. I hate just sitting in one spot all the time, same thing every day. How does one tell one day from the next? Adventure. Yet here I sit, living the same day all the time.
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OK, it's time for all us friendly colleagues here to swing by Miba's place and go on an epic road trip to all the best spots in this land. Who's with me?!
Me! Me!
Sounds great! And since there's so many of us from different areas we'd all know where to go to have the most fun, no matter where we went!
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I would love to go. Dont know how the wife would take though. LOL
Bring her with us. I'd bring my husband.
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Don't know if she could handle all of us Fett fans in one area. I think she would try jumping out of the car.