Now, children we will learn about the next language, Ewokese! Yeah! lol, sorry for the double post but I just decided to do another fury creature, the Ewoks! Here are some Ewokese vocabulary.
* Aargutcha (ar gooch ah) - Pull
* Acha (ah chah) - Okay, all right
* Ad'am (Adam) - Underwriter
* Ah (ah) - And
* Ah-ah (ah ah) - Water
* Akeeata (ah kee ah tah) - Hear
* Allayloo (ah lay loo) - Celebrate
* Ando (an doh) - Forward
* Arandee (ar ahn dee) - Listen
* Azar (ay zar) - Magic
* Beechawawa (oh my)
* Begoopa - (see yeha)
* Bingee (bin jee) - Guide
* Bi toto (bee toh toh) - Direction
* Bok chuu-ock (bahk choo ahk) - Far away
* Cha (chah) - Them
* Chak (chahk) - Yes
* Che (chee) - Free, as in liberty
* Chesl (chess uhl) - Bring, fetch
* Chim (chim) - three
* Chiotto (chee oh toh) - May I have...?
* Chiutatal (chy oo tah tail) - Moon
* Choo doo (choo doo) - Enough
* Chop (chop) - Got
* Chu (choo) - one
* Chup (chup) - your
* Chuck (chuk) - Much
* Churi (chor ee) - Mountain
* Chyasee (chy ah see) - Help
* Coatee - Celebrate
* Coatee-cha (kote tee chah) - Celebrate
* Coki (coke ee) - nine
* Coro (kor oh) - Can you...?
* Cupee (cupp ee) - Cap, as in an ice cap on a mountain
* Danthee (dan thay) - Maybe
* Danvay (dan vay) - Be careful
* Dee fratta (dee frah tah) - That's, that is
* Deej (deej) - Father
* Den (den) - No
* Dengar - Attack
* De oppra (dee opp rah) - Upper, top
* Doo - Night
* Drik (drik) - Happy
* Drin (drin) - Sick
* Dutak (doo tok) - Arrow
* Ee chee wa maa! (ee chee wah mah) - Wow, gee whiz! Oh my goodness
* Ee choya! (ee choy ah) - Hey
* Eedada (ee dah dah) - Over
* Eedeeza (ee dee zah) - Ten
* Eee (ee) - We
* Eekeekeek (eek eek eek) - Forest
* Eekeetuhkuh (ee kee tuh kuh) - Axe
* Eetee (ee tee) - Long
* Eleeo (ee lee oh) - Never
* Eleeoth (ee lee awth) - Far
* Ehda (ay dah) - Evil, Bad
* Ehshtee (esh tee) - Give
* Ekla (ek lah) - Big
* Enenah (en en ah) - Where
* Entzahee roda (ents zah hee roh dah) - Cook
* E s'eesht (ee seesht) - Kill
* Etke (ett keh) - More
* Feef (feef) - Plant
* Fektur (fek tur) - Medicine
* Fic (fic) - two
* Freet (freet) - Sister
* Fruk (fruk) - Brother
* Fulu (foo loo) - Circle
* Geetch (geech) - Push
* Gleeg (gleeg) - Drink
* Glek (glek) - Sad
* Glowah - Glory
* Goo - Light
* Gooka (goo kah) - Shelter
* Goonda - Food
* Goopa (goo pah) - Hi
* Goot (goot) - Good
* Graks (graks) - Monster
* Grek (grek) - Hands
* Grenchicit (gren chik it) - Hold on
* Gunda - Good, or exclamation of a good event
* Gyeesh (gyeesh) - Please
* Heth (heth) - Pond
* Hoji (ho jee) - four
* Hutar (hoo tar) - Danger
* Hveetin (he veet in) - Glider
* Jad (jad) - Down
* Jadgreh (jad greh) - Foot
* Jarat (jah raht) - Branch
* Jeejee (jee jee) - Face
* Jeerota (jee roe tah) - Friend
* J'voo (ja voo) - eight
* Kash (kahsh) - Show
* Kla (klah) - From
* Kna Naa (kuh nah nah) - Spirit tree
* Kra (krah) - Ready
* Kreeth (kreeth)Cave
* Kush (koosh) - Who, What
* Kvark - Oh no
* Loktok(lok tok)-Greetings
* Lulalar (loo lah lahr) - Sing
* Lungee (lunj ee) - Lost
* Lurd (lerd) - Dumb, silly
* Lurdo - Loser
* Luu (loo) - Beautiful
* Luufi (loo fee) - Flower
* Manna manna (man ah man ah) - Food
* Meechoo (mee choo) - I
* Mookiee (moo kee) - Female baby Ewok, Wokling
* Na-chin (nah chin) - Tribe
* Na goo (nah goo) - Stop
* N'dla (nah dla) - six
* Neetuhl (nee tul) - Early
* Ni gata (nee gah tah) - Where is...?
* N'la (nah la) - five
* Noroway (nohr oh way) - Which
* Nuv (nuhv) - Love
* Oh (oh) - Too
* Ooba (oo bah) - Rain, Rainfall
* Oodeed (oo deef) - Sweet
* Ota (oh tah) - To
* Paamuk (pah mook) - Power
* Pibooka (pih boo kah) - Clearing
* Pola (poh lah) - Polar
* Powa (pow wah) - Power
* Reh rehluu (reh reh loo) - Dance
* Reshee (resh ee) - Map
* Roda (roh dah) - To eat
* Rueenee (roo ee nee) - Ruins
* Ruha (roo hah) - Hit
* Seefo (see foh) - Hurt
* Sheeu (shee oo) - Name
* Shetai (sheh tie) - Warrior
* Shodu (sho doo) - Mother
* Sirut (seer oot) - Door
* Siz (sihz) - Fire
* Sku (skoo) - Hello
* Sleesh (sleesh) - Berry
* Sta (stah) - Now
* Stoja (sto jah) - Station
* Sunee (suh nee) - Sun
* Sut (sutt) - Soon
* Ta (tah) - The
* Tal (tale) - Sun
* Teeha (tee hah) - Thank you
* Teeket (tee kett) - Heart
* Thees (theess) - Good
* Theesa (thee sah) - Baby, child
* Thek (theck) - Here
* T'hesh (tuh hesh) - Quiet
* T'hesh te (tuh hesh toe)-Quiet Now!
* Thuk (thuck) - Rock
* Toe (toe) - Now
* Too - Fight
* Treek (treek) - Go
* Treekthin (treek thin) - Journey
* Treeta Dobra (tree tah Doh brah) - Council of Elders
* Tu (too) - The
* Tyatee (ty ah tee) - Come
* Veek (veek) - Quick
* Voo (voo) - seven
* Weewa (wee wah) - House, home
* Wegoopa (wee-goopa) - Goodbye
* X'eef (zheef) - Ground
* X'iutha (zhoo thah) - Important
* Yah wah - Power
* Yayath (ya yath) - Jump
* Yeh (yeh) - Old
* Yeha (yee hah) - Good bye
* Yehan (yeh han) - Peace
* Yesh (yesh) - Right, correct
* Yiyult (yeye yult) - Cup
* Yit (yitt) - Thing
* Yub nub (yubb nubb) - Freedom
* Yubnub (yub nub) - Hurray
* Yud ehda (yood ay dah) - Alas
* Yuf (yuhf) - Climb
* Yungyet (yung yett) - Nut
* Yun yum - Very good
* Yupyup (yupp yupp) - Rejoice (regoicing)
* Zeeg (zeeg) - In
* Zehg (zayg) - Out
Ewokese was a primitive language, Ewokese had no written form. Ewoks were able to learn and speak other languages, including Basic. Yuzzum language is exactly the same as Ewokese leading to believe that Yuzzum's are related or took it from the Ewoks.
"That's 'cause droids don't rip people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that." -Han Solo to C-3PO