Re: Never Ending Boba Fett Story Game.
and occasionally purple
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Role Playing → Never Ending Boba Fett Story Game.
and occasionally purple
with a hint of...
Which is the greatest beverage to ever be created.
right after...
the blood of a worst enemy, freshly deceased. Althought it might be a bit bitter, a little like...
Grape-flavored cough medicine, to be precise.
which was Bob Fett's least flavour cough medicine, and his favourite was... fact he didn't care. He was never sick, either.
because he's infallible
much like...
myself but not unlike...
Chuck Norris
Then Chuck Norris came from no were and strangled....
Boba with his...
and then Boba twisted it clockwise while...
simultaneously cutting the...
of his toy box
...and then could finally loosen the strangulation enough to say...
"do you work out?"
but that was exactly the thing NOT to say. Because...
it sounded inappropriate
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Role Playing → Never Ending Boba Fett Story Game.
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