Topic: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

First he seems to me ,a rather selfless man and did you note he had a great Armour
outfit ,,where Boba had really put his Armour together ,,bits and pieces,and never
really explained why he wanted a Son..

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

He did actually explain why he wanted a son...

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

Jango didn't have much of a role from what I could tell from AOTC.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

I grew to like him a lot more after I played SW:Bounty Hunter on PS2 a few years back... his personality shines through a bit more, and he sort of establishes a cute little relationship with Zam Wessel you don't see in the movie.

AotC doesn't really provide you a whole lot to find his character very intriguing or even likeable for that matter (other than looking badass), I honestly would recommend playing Bounty Hunter if ya can, or check out the comic "Jango Fett: Open Seasons."

-BFFC Manji aka Jess

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

open seasons is great comic, read it just before you play bounty hunter.

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

Regimas wrote:

open seasons is great comic, read it just before you play bounty hunter.

awesome series

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

It was also an unlockable in the Bounty Hunter videogame, although the quality wasn't amazing, it was still readable.

-BFFC Manji aka Jess

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

BFFC   I  can recll Jango saying something ,,but with all those clones around
I think he had a greater plan for Boba,,to gain more power ,, I think he had some plan
until he untimely death ,,his Helmet was the only thing Boba got from him,,
YUK!! thinking about that head in the Helmet

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

There's like 4 of us with BFFC in our title but I assume you mean me

Boba got a whole lot more from Jango than just the helmet...
There was an entire series of books written about what happened to young Boba after Jango's death, including all the things that were left to him.

And yes, Jango always meant for Boba to become Jaster Mereel's legacy. It wasn't power he wanted for him, it was leadership. He wanted his son to bring the Mandalorians together. Which he ended up doing big_smile

So I really don't get what you're trying to say heh

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

All I can say is that I can't have enough respect for a man who was adopted by a clan of True Mandalorians, and impressed them enough with his skill that he became their next leader.  Combined with his skill at killing Other Mandos *Death Watch* and Jedi *Battle of Galadran*, what more can you want?

oh... wait.....

I would have wanted him to be much more badass in in Ep. II....  But oh well.  He did good enough in the movie to prove to me that he wasn't a total wimp, and based on what I've heard of him in the EU has saved him.

Tough dude

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

my only issue with jango beside's temuera's acting was that he should have INSTANTLY replaced that pistol he lost in his fight with obi wan

no excuses

what kind of example is he setting for boba with that anyway?
you're WHOLE gimmick as a bounty hunter is to overwhelm your opponents with dual pistol style and it WORKS
ya he got coleman trebor but he's just a knight, dont try and go up against Mace freakin Windu with ONE PISTOL

stupid mistakes get ya killed

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

but he also didn't realize his jetpack was broken until it was too late.

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

"my only issue with jango beside's temuera's acting was that he should have INSTANTLY replaced that pistol he lost in his fight with obi wan"

Whats wrong with Morrisons acting?

Ante Gotovina is a knight of valor in the dungeon of lies.

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

Croatian Pride wrote:

Whats wrong with Morrisons acting?

it, along with most other "star wars" performances it is completely empty and wooden

They give him a line of dialogue that is actually GOOD and rather than take his time and appreciate the fact that the ENTIRE Fett-montra is summed up in ONE sentence he just SPRINTS through the dialogue and runs words into eachother and makes it utterly unmemorable.

"I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe."

utterly amazing writting, rare in star wars film, and it is all but ruined. All it would have taken is someone going 'try that again tem, you sounded stupid'

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

I dont agree... I thought he, along with McGregor was the best actor in the movies...

Ante Gotovina is a knight of valor in the dungeon of lies.

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

Ewan McGregor was awesome. Liam, Ian, Natalie. Certain actors gave great performances and presented memorable characters even if they were only in one film.

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

i thought he delivered the line very well, as if Boba would himself.

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

I suppose that could be true, since neither of them are known for their speaking skills. Maybe it was intentional...

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

BFFC therealmccoy
Bats is only going on to the Movies sadly I haven't the Novels concerning Boba Fett
I can only have so much,so Bats is really going on what I have WHY!!! doesn't
Mr Lucas put those Novels into film even if its only cartoon but not that Childish
cartoon he put out with the Clones,,the Games ones look so good in Cartoon
shouldly he could do that  I don't think he likes Boba Fett to be so popular

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father


"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

BFFC therealmccoy wrote:



But yeah, I'd roll with Fett_II.  I liked this blunt, to the point attitude and dialog.  And that particular line was delivered in an especially powerful scene where it wasn't so much what was said that was important, but the suttle movements and looks that were used by both Morrison and McGregor.  We're stuck there, much like Boba who's watching the exchange, seeing the tension build between them.  I loved that scece, and thought it was capped off perfectly with Jango's comment, "Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi."  There was enough of a sinister tone that you KNOW he has dealt with Jedi before, and that there was nothing pleasurable at all about the meeting *well... maybe he took some pleasure from it  tongue

And you're on the spot McCoy about there being a few solid performances out of some characters in the prequels that kept them from being total failures.  Ian and especially Liam are probably my favorites, but you could add Darth Maul and Dooku, Palps was pretty solid *though a little over make-uped in III in my opinion*, and I thought Samual L did a pretty solid job as well.  There might even be a couple more that'll come to me right after I post...

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

you can't forget the droids man. they always do their part. that's why R2 is george lucas' favorite.

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

True that

R2 continued to hold his own in the prequels almost if not just as strongly as he did in the originals.  The B1s were a bit too childish for me, and C3PO has some REALLY corny lines in Ep. II, but otherwise yeah, most all of them were pretty great.

And if we're adding broader classes of characters, the clones were damn near universally kickass through Ep. II and III.  I can't think of one single disapointing clone in either moive - the action scenes with them were amazing.

But we should probably steer this topic back toward Jango..

"You set a code to live by.  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

Ya I really liked Sam Jackson more and more as the trilogy progressed. Great character and he totally owned it. Granted it was probably the most actor-involved character in the films. That was more S.L.J. than G.L. that's for sure haha

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: not a real fan of Boba 's Father

i wish they had gone with his rumored death instead of just dying from the fall.