Topic: i wish I could have been there

They had a big Expo at Hombush at the Olympic Park  the week before the add
ran '' Come all the Boba Fetts etc'' had some guests ,Karl Urban ,and one of the Vampires
from Twilight ,,one the bad ones,, it was shown on the news and it looked  great
wish I could have been there but with so many Boba Fetts around ,,I think it was
best I was at home ,,,no telling what trouble I would have got into .

Re: i wish I could have been there

Where was this exactly? I mean where is Hombush?
Sounds like you ran into a group full of Mandalorian Mercs

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."

Re: i wish I could have been there

Sorry Mate ...    One....     does forget that we are World Wide  team
It's a area in Sydney where the Games were held,so you can image the area was
very huge for the Crowds to be there

Re: i wish I could have been there

Too bad I missed that, it's way too far away for me.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying