May 2, 2009 10:21 am (Edited June 10, 2015 06:12 pm) # The culmination of a bounty hunt for Lord Vader - he payed me well for this one..

The rest of these images can be found here:
I've opted not to post them here as some may find one of them graphic in nature so you have been warned.
[Editor's Note: is no longer active.]
*All images have been photoshopped and no jedi were harmed in the making of these photos...
Thats a pretty awesome shot, Orthar.
[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
saw that on your myspace and was like "sweet"!
"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."
That shot posted in this thread looks as if it was on an episode of Robot Chicken.
Thanks for sharing Orthar, awesome images!
A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
Your right, that perticular version of the pic does resemble the look of Robot Chicken; hadn't noticed it before you said as I thought it resembled a painting.