Topic: Nintendo Power Shadows of the Empire comic
This is something I just found out about 5 minutes ago. I've found zero information on it thus far, and its not in listed on this site even (as far as I know). For those not familiar with Nintendo Power, its a magazine put out by... you guessed it, Nintendo, starting in the late 80's/early 90's. Nintendo Power features game tips, reviews, and even comics about games. Some where thinly disguised tips, others were a few pages long and weren't about anything in particular, and others were retellings of brand new games that had stories that spanned more then one issue. Some of the more well known of these comics were all from the SNES and covered the games Super Mario World, Star Fox, and Super Metroid.
However, I have just found out there was a Shadows of the Empire comic as well. At least several panels feature everyones favorite Mandalorian, but I am not sure about how much he is seen in the comic (these comics, although really awesome, tend to, uh, take some liberties from the actual source material, but this makes them more interisting), and cannot find ANY information on this as well. Was it just a re-printing of a Shadows of the Empire comic that was already out? Something entirely brand new? ALL information is greatly appreciated, even if I find out I am way behind on this.