Topic: Do you like Sleeping?

I know this topic is very random, but most of you here, will understand.

I like sleeping. Without sleep, you would eventually die. ( maybe in about a week or so.. yikes ) [ fact! ]

I once got 10 hours.

And once, I went to bed at 1.00

but that was when I was in Germany, going to my German-Grandma's house. smile

I was ABSOLUTELY shattered... tongue wink

You're foolish words can never hurt me

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Heh, I stayed up for 2 days straight on several occasions. And yes I do enjoy sleep.

Why do you make these random topics?


"This IS my signature."

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Yes I like my bed, cause it serves other purposes than sleep, too ;P

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Re: Do you like Sleeping?



I make some of them, to see the results. To see if ppl like or dislike it

it's only a question. If it was like:

" what is you're favourite quilt? "

or " what is your favourite shoe? "

that'd be random... hmm

You're foolish words can never hurt me

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Gettin a little risque Daenna? xD

Sleeping for us is like gold; beautiful and rare. I get an average of 4-5 hours of sleep per night, though I make up for it a little bit on the weekends. Love it when I can get it.


Re: Do you like Sleeping?

this topic makes me want to sleep.

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

SciFifreak90 wrote:

Sleeping for us is like gold; beautiful and rare. I get an average of 4-5 hours of sleep per night, though I make up for it a little bit on the weekends. Love it when I can get it.

Same here. Go to bed around 4am then wake up at 8am for class. The longest I slept was 22 hours straight if i remember right.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

I LOVE sleep and a lot more than I care to admit. Sometimes I have to be careful not to turn it into a pastime!!

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

I love sleep. I miss sleep. I used to get about 6 hours a night, but I really need 9 to feel good. My sleep has gotten somewhat better and I get about 8 hours most nights. But most mornings I wake up already feeling sleepy and exhausted.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
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Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Okay this is the more serious sleep-related post.

I once had to stay up for two days straight on a Red Cross mission. It consisted of working with Lebanon refugees in an airport and the time lapse between the plane arrivals were of 3 hours. After being up for thirty hours, under pressure and constantly alert you do not function well. I tried getting a 20 minute nap in a corner and some jerk woke me saying I was making the Red Cross look bad.

I didn't want to be all WTF about it but seriously, a Red Cross rescue agent that looked like she just got hammered in front of national TV is supposed to set a good example?


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Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Daenna wrote:

Okay this is the more serious sleep-related post.

I once had to stay up for two days straight on a Red Cross mission. It consisted of working with Lebanon refugees in an airport and the time lapse between the plane arrivals were of 3 hours. After being up for thirty hours, under pressure and constantly alert you do not function well. I tried getting a 20 minute nap in a corner and some jerk woke me saying I was making the Red Cross look bad.

I didn't want to be all WTF about it but seriously, a Red Cross rescue agent that looked like she just got hammered in front of national TV is supposed to set a good example?


I'm in awe of you. In your shoes I probably would not be ABLE to stay awake.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Sharra Fett wrote:

I'm in awe of you. In your shoes I probably would not be ABLE to stay awake.

And, to top it off, we didn't have Red Bull at the time tongue

Thanks, I treated myself with a full day of doing nothing afterwards and I know airports like nothing else now. I really wasn't able to stay away on the second day and had to leave when they announced they needed my team for a third round. I felt like crap about it for 2 seconds but I missed my bed too much!

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Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Eww gross Redbull.  The worst was an allnighter with my church.  I only went a day without sleep so that wasn't bad I hadn't realized I had a double header to umpire the day after.  For the plate game the coaches were pretty pissed at my strike zone.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me.  It was self-defense.[/i]  -Richard the Warlock  [url][/url]

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Lord Revan wrote:

Heh, I stayed up for 2 days straight on several occasions. And yes I do enjoy sleep.

Why do you make these random topics?


I almost made three, although I was extremely exhausted and slept for about 18 hours afterward. I think I'll try it again in the summer.


Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Ahh... i do enjoy it when i can get it. If i can catch it in the right place too. Its been easier to come by since I upgraded my bed too. I used to have one of those horrid twin mattresses with the springs. Then my parents went and got a fancy king bed. I got the fancy queen air mattress. I can usually guarantee 3 hours of sleep if im not up in pain and discomfort.  Most of the time i function on around 4 hours of sleep. I do not often get the chance to get anymore, especially on the weekends. I think a good part of the reason why i simply don't sleep more is that I naturally have a night owl pace, and I'm forced to live in a day time society. (Where are these vampire societies when ya need them???)

I've stayed up 24 hours and more I think the longest was 36. Back in the day I'd have sleep overs (with girls who now no long have anything to do with me...) that would last for days.We'd be up all night. Sleep like 2/3 hours then start all over again.  I soon will be undertaking a similar task of driving a long distance straight through. I only hope I'm up for it.:)

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Sleeping is awesome, but because there are only so many hours in a day, it must occasionally be put off to make time for playing video games or something. And staying up until 1 is no great feat, nor is sleeping 10 hours. I commonly sleep 10 unabated, and can sleep for 13 or 14 if lazy enough. And staying up til 4 is common, and I have (as no doubt many of you have done) occasionally forgone sleep for a day or two.
But still, sleeping is great. Unless the dreams suck.

"Some soldiers say that to reach maximum combat efficiency, they need to be in the zone. Sir; I live in the zone." - RC 1207 'Sev' to RC 1138 'Boss'

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Point taken Merciless Mandalore, I've had many a bad dream that I was relieved to wake up from and discover it was
exactly that.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

cool everyone. I get usually 9 or 10 hours, as I said.

Everyone here obviously likes sleep. Sleep is important to us, without it, we would be grumpy, upset and weak at the end of the day, unless some ppls here go at like 3.00am like my stepdad does tongue wink

sleep is like a mobile phone being charged up at the adapter.

Sleep = humans = happy humans tongue

You're foolish words can never hurt me

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

LOL. Sleep does not often make me happy. My body does not always like it either. How often do you wake up and you feel worse than when you went to bed? Who looses the ability to do many things with their hands because they went to sleep and now their body needs to "warm up" for lack of a better phrase? So often sleep does mean things to me. And like today causes me issues because i ended up sleeping to noon. That was a fight with my family i did not need.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

is something wrong Si?

why don't you like it?

you're kinda talking odd, like Visas Marr hmm

You're foolish words can never hurt me

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Everyone needs to "warm up" after they sleep. It's a part of the waking up process. You can't expect to jump out of bed and be instantly at top working condition. About the only way to do that is if there's something wrong and you're able to do it cause of adrenaline. But on a normal day you do have to wait a bit before you're "awake".

For the whole day/night thing, get a job overnight somewhere. There's plenty of places that are open all night, or need people overnight. Like stores have nightcrew and some fastfood have overnight drivethrough or something. There's overnight security jobs, if you're into that. I'm not sure where all else might need overnight people.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
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22 (edited by Terra Sunday, April 5, 2009 11:26 am)

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Si Titran wrote:

Most of the time i function on around 4 hours of sleep. I do not often get the chance to get anymore, especially on the weekends. I think a good part of the reason why i simply don't sleep more is that I naturally have a night owl pace, and I'm forced to live in a day time society.

I hear you. That's part of it for me too. I love sleep. Been in lack of it for about a year at the moment. When I'm done with my degree I want to try hibernation.

Wish I could still skip nights like Rev and the others, and be fine about it. Sweet 16.

Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Yeah... I like dreaming.... that's when fantasies come alive - almost real. I'd live there [in my dream world] if I could.

"No lower life-form is worth going hungry for." ―Boba Fett to Luke Skywalker

Re: Do you like Sleeping?

My dream world is a scary place. I would not want to live there.

As for skipping nights, I did it a few times when I was a teenager, but not since. I could probably still do it, but I wouldn't want to.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
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Re: Do you like Sleeping?

Yeah... mine is scary too..... I'd live there LOL

Skipping nights - do it all the time... up for well over 48 hours sometimes - then sleep atleast 12.... that's my usual routine...

Well meet Miba!

"No lower life-form is worth going hungry for." ―Boba Fett to Luke Skywalker