Sev Fett wrote:CeciliaCrimsondragonFett wrote:There are other places in which we can get oil. And honestly, we are far to dependant on it. We really need to improve non-gas powered vehicles, AND make it so that their fuel is easily aquirable at any and every gas station.
The thing is we can never be completely independent of oil. Plastic requires oil to be made. It's involved in basically everything we do somehow.
And that's the thing that scares me. People don't really understand how important hydrocarbons are to almost everything we do and enjoy in life.
This is such a big deal that back in the 70s, when there was an oil embargo Hasbro, some of us are old enough to remember. stopped making G.I. Joe because the cost of petrochemicals became too high to produce Joe. No fooling. That's why the Adventure team ended and the Super Joe series, at a sorry eight inches, appeared. It also accounts to some extent to the diminutive stature of action figures in general since the mid 70s until the mid 90s when Hasbro started producing 12" figures again.
Plastic IS oil (period)! That means when we shift from fossil fuels to renewable sources the world is going to change in ways few of us can imagine.
On the other hand, it IS going to happen eventually. But just think of a world without SW figures! Or lawn furniture or anything that is made from plastic.
As a former anthropologist I would say that war. oil and religion are responsible for the way two or three generations of Americans have lived for the past four decades. (The television was only invented six decades ago and in those days they were huge wooden boxes!)
When we leave Iraq the Shias WILL take the country back with the help of Iran. It is insane to think that just because you change the surface of the society that it will effect the structure of the culture. I think we as Americans are pretty stupid to think that if we bring our culture and way of life to others that they will act like we do. If Bush/ Cheney screwed up anywhere it was in thinking that the people of Iraq are "just like us" deep inside. The BS that Americans buy into about raising the standard of living in other countries will also bring westernization is delusional. Freedom DOES NOT mean the same thing to everyone everywhere.
Man! I love SW figures. I just wish Hasbro had not bought out Kenner...but I guess that's for another thread.
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