Topic: I love the new red colour for the BFFC!!

I really really like the colour scheme. I like it how it's red, then it gets lighter then eventually black.

I'm sure all Art fans like myself also like it, plus any BFFC members

I think it's really cool! big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile

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Re: I love the new red colour for the BFFC!!

ya the gradient is really cool

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Re: I love the new red colour for the BFFC!!

I noticed that a while back, it took some getting used to as new things do, but I don't mind it now. It is kinda cool.

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Re: I love the new red colour for the BFFC!!

very cool more like

but it's better than the boring black.

Red is good, maybe a green one for the chatbox would be good! big_smile

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