no surprise here really. recognize...
Topic: Fett in another top ten...
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
5 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestthats definitely the highest rez version of that still i've ever seen
so not only is Fett in the MTV biggest badass top 10, but now the IGN favorite star wars top 10

Did anyone else notice that they put his shoulder bell armor pieces on backwards for this scene? Not to mention it's a Jedi version armor altogether (Jedi version helmet with red kill marks, Jedi version EE-3, Jedi version jetpack and gauntlets). Oh well.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Did anyone else notice that they put his shoulder bell armor pieces on backwards for this scene? Not to mention it's a Jedi version armor altogether (Jedi version helmet with red kill marks, Jedi version EE-3, Jedi version jetpack and gauntlets). Oh well.
so maybe the ESB armor was like clean while the ROTJ armor was being cleaned lol?
and they spelled Kashyyyk wrong on Chewbacca's page.
He should be number one on that list. Maybe I'll make a list, and put him on it.