RC-3222 wrote:CeciliaCrimsondragonFett wrote:Evolution is not theory, its a proven, true process that occurs every day.
Alright, not trying to be argumentative, I'm just curious: how is evolution a proven theory?
If you think about it, everything tends to a state of disorder: Just go to some land that no one takes care of and you'll see what I mean-- trees fallen down, grass and weeds grown up, and so on. If everything tends to a state of disorder, then how can people evolve to become better? Take sickle cell anemia, for example. It has been proven that people who have sickle blood cells have a higher survival rate when battling malaria, therefore supposedly supporting macroevolution. However, sickle cells can block blood flow, resulting in,
1. pain episodes
2. strokes
3. increased infections
4. leg ulcers
5. bone damage
6. yellow eyes or jaundice
7. early gallstones
8. lung blockage
9. kidney damage and loss of body water in urine
10. blood blockage in the spleen or liver (sequestration)
11. eye damage
12. low red blood cell counts (anemia)
13. delayed growth
The result is that, even though it "helps" people with malaria, it is more beneficial to a person if they don't have sickle cell anemia.
True that. I'm with you 100%. Sickle cell anemia is a Bad Thing.
That said, your argument is that it should be eradicated, right? That if we are evolving it should be going away? I may have misinterpreted you, and if that's the case I apologize immensely, but hear me out here: evolution doesn't work on people.
I'm an anomoly, I guess: I'm a devout Roman Catholic and simultaneously a devout evolutionist. I guess that makes me a Bad Person, but oh well. I can justify it in my mind, so that's good enough for me. I don;t need everyone else's approval.
That was just so you know where I'm coming from. Now for the actual stuff: evolution doesn't work on people. (Refresher course for people who may not know exactly what I'm talking about- please don't think I'm condescending anybody! I just want to make sure that those of us who haven't taken high school biology can follow along here.)
Evolution works on the principle of natural selection: the strongest members of a species survive, and the weak genes are culled by predators and other forms of death. Change comes about because beneficial mutations help the specimen to survive, keeping the changes in the genes to be passed on to the young. This way the changed genes become more prominent in the gene pool and eventually become a species trait to whatever is doing the evolving. It's just logical.
Now, think of people. We control our own environment and set up a society based on protecting everyone. There are no predators to cull out the weakens specimens, because we've isolated outselves in cities. The only things that really kill us off (accidents, diseases and old age) strike indiscriminantly to a person's survival traits. It's not eh survival of the fittest anymore, it's the survival of all. Evolution can;t take place under those conditions.
Example: sickle cell anemia. Say a strain develops that affects...antelopes. The antelopes with the disease are weaker, so they get picked off the easiest by lions without being able to reprodice as effectively as a healthy antelope. The weakness thins out and eventually dies off. With people, there are no lions. We are able to care for the sick, so they stay alive with the disease and keep on having kids. Those kids have kids, and the potential for the disease is carried throughout, even if it isn't actively carried. The gene stays alive as long as people are able to reproduce, so it isn't eliminated as it should be in the animal kingdom.
I probably twisted your point around there; if that's the case, I'm sorry. I'm just a little obsessed with this concept here. I'm writing a book on it now, actually, and it's by far the best thing I've ever written (not that it'll ever be finished, but I like to dream). Just the whole concept excites me. The only time evolution could recommence for people would be if the world plunged into anarchy and we rejoined our place in the animal kingdom.
Disclaimer: In no way do I think that should happen. In no way do I think we should kill off the weakest members of society. I just thought that was an interesting concept to share, and seeing how it related to the concept being discussed I got all excited and wrote this ultra-long piece of boredom that's making your eyes bleed right now. Sorry 'bout that!
GPI: Fondly regard crustacean