Barack Obama became the new president of the US last night (Also the USA's 1st black president). He won the popular vote, and was the first to reach 270 electorals. I am happy he was elected. I think he will help put America back on the right track. What are your thoughts about the outcome of this election?
Topic: Barack Obama is the new president of the USA!!!
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
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I made a thread just like this!!!
I believe there's been some rule changes due to people getting too heated about politics and religion...
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I think this is a really funky result, I am so glad that he won :D
I almost want to move to Canada. No, seriously. Canada is looking better and better. But it's not really a surprise he won. I figured they were going to hand it to him. Did you guys notice they tried to claim Montana's majority was Obama? Then they realized no one would believe that and changed it back to it's normal color. Now, I'm normally for the democrats. But this time? Just no.
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Let's just face it, all politicians are liers :P It's a case of pick the lesser evil :P
At least you guys have a choice to vote, it's compulsory over here and you get fined if you don't.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Cool, Obama is president! :D I knew that he'd win.
You know some guy working in the chow hall actually said to a line of recruits in a MILITARY COLLEGE:
"Why do you guys want McCain? You know he'll send you off to war right?"
It was a full few seconds of stupidity-inspired awe before one of my rook brothers felt the need to tell him to shut up and give them a cheeseburger. I mean honestly, wrong argument to make.
Personally I don't follow politics at all. I could tell you who's running for what party but that's just about it. Politics just seem petty and annoying, even if they do some semi-important stuff like run our country/lives. I didn't care much either way, but I really did see this win coming from a few weeks ago.
Doesn't bother me none as long as he doesn't screw up too bad.
I'm not surprised but not happy--hes only got 2 years of experience. Thats like asking a 16 year old who just got their license to drive a 18-wheeler on the busiest highway in America. If Obama's the teenager and America is the truck--do you trust him to drive it?
Just my opinion--McCain has superior experience, by far.
--Captain Dynamic--
From his parties standpoints Obama's looks ready to lead.
As a Conservative Canadian I'm not terribly happy with the results. McCain would have been better in my opinion. But democracy has spoken.
All politics aside here, this goes to show the freedom of America. Can you imagine anywhere else where a minority race would be able to rise to the most powerful position in the country, possibly the world? No and that's why I think President-Elect Obama and all of the United States deserves a good hearty congratulation no matter what you think of him.
even though i dont know a lot about the 2 candidates, im glad that we have a african american president.
i just hope he doesent get assasinated :(
On experience. I have two years department manager experience. Maybe I can go run the company now. lol
I didn't vote. Neither did my husband. Neither of them deserved it. Though between the two I'd rather that McCain had won.
Oh, and I'm not really moving to Canada. It's just going to be hard watching him mess everything up.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Canada is looking better and better.
Trust me.... it's not!!
anyways I'm glad Obama won!
On experience. I have two years department manager experience. Maybe I can go run the company now. lol
I didn't vote. Neither did my husband. Neither of them deserved it. Though between the two I'd rather that McCain had won.
Oh, and I'm not really moving to Canada. It's just going to be hard watching him mess everything up.
Yeah...Hopefully he'll be fairly quiet, but make enough minor mistakes that won't mess us up horribly, but make him unpopular enough not to be reelected. And you know, most of America, judging by the way they voted, would say you probably could be CEO. But your not black--and I don't know how good a speaker you are. Those were important factors.
No offense to Obama supporters, but those were the main reasons a lot of people voted for him--he's an African American (partly), and he's a very good, charismatic speaker--even if he doesn't have much to say, other than Change.
My opinion only--I just think he's inexperienced.
--Captain Dynamic--
Well, there goes my state's economy :|
-Boba Fett-
No offense to Obama supporters, but those were the main reasons a lot of people voted for him--he's an African American (partly).
Its also the main reason why a lot of people voted against him.
I'm seeing alot of opinion here, but not alot of backing up.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
I'm not surprised but not happy--hes only got 2 years of experience. Thats like asking a 16 year old who just got their license to drive a 18-wheeler on the busiest highway in America. If Obama's the teenager and America is the truck--do you trust him to drive it?
Just my opinion--McCain has superior experience, by far.
Not just your opinion - McCain has like quadruple the experience Obama has.
Werda Verd wrote:I'm not surprised but not happy--hes only got 2 years of experience. Thats like asking a 16 year old who just got their license to drive a 18-wheeler on the busiest highway in America. If Obama's the teenager and America is the truck--do you trust him to drive it?
Just my opinion--McCain has superior experience, by far.
Not just your opinion - McCain has like quadruple the experience Obama has.
-Boba Fett-
a historic day, and hopefully a time of change and getting our troops home.
he's a very good, charismatic speaker
Gift of the silver tongue, they say it's the mark of a good officer - - and of a liar.
But hey, I could be proven wrong...
Being a Ron Paul supporter myself, I for one am disgusted at the results.
McCaine and Obama are two sides of the same coin. None of them will bring any "real" change, at least, not without us parting with our change (taxes).
Obama reminds me to much of a communist, McCaine reminds me of an aging, dying America. We needed someone fresh, someone from niether party, someone not "owned".
Just my opinion.
Anyways, congrats to Obama...
Actually I think Obama doesnt take control intill a few months later, so were still with Bush right now.
(Technical anyway)
Being a Ron Paul supporter myself, I for one am disgusted at the results.
McCaine and Obama are two sides of the same coin. None of them will bring any "real" change, at least, not without us parting with our change (taxes).
Obama reminds me to much of a communist, McCaine reminds me of an aging, dying America. We needed someone fresh, someone from niether party, someone not "owned".
Just my opinion.
Anyways, congrats to Obama...
YOU GO!!!!
-Boba Fett-
I saw a funny T-shirt. "Obama's going to party like it's (Jan. 20) 2009.
Obama wants to prosocute people who use guns for self-defense in their own home.
Psh. They can kiss my shebs. My guns are staying right where they are.
YOU GO!!!!
Nein! xD
Werda Verd wrote:I'm not surprised but not happy--hes only got 2 years of experience. Thats like asking a 16 year old who just got their license to drive a 18-wheeler on the busiest highway in America. If Obama's the teenager and America is the truck--do you trust him to drive it?
Just my opinion--McCain has superior experience, by far.
Not just your opinion - McCain has like quadruple the experience Obama has.
More like, oh, just 15 times the experience. Thats a BIG factor in Politics.
--Captain Dynamic--

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