Topic: The perfect Jedi actor?
What actor do you think would make a great Jedi?
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Fans → The perfect Jedi actor?
What actor do you think would make a great Jedi?
Viggo Mortensen and Halle Berry.
Was'nt Viggo Mortensen in one of the TCM movies?
TCM? what is that?
Stands for Turner Classic Movies. And it's achannel that we get in North America.
Will Smith
Mr. T. His lightsaber (not that he'd need one) would be gold.
TCM stands for: Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
true, but there is also a tv channel with the same initials (it came first).
everyone knows the perfect actor for a Jedi is... *cough*.
My Jedi pick is Jason Statham.
Mr. T. His lightsaber (not that he'd need one) would be gold.
lol yeah,
my vote goes to chuck norris, jedi master!
My Jedi pick is Jason Statham.
Dont think he would make a good jedi, maybe a smuggler but not a jedi
BFFC-Draco wrote:Mr. T. His lightsaber (not that he'd need one) would be gold.
lol yeah,
my vote goes to chuck norris, jedi master!
He would have his lightsabers installed on his boots. Round house kicking lasers, for the win!
Hugh Jackman
I wonder if Shia Labouf would make a good Jedi?
im so sick of shia,
he plays the same character in every movie
he would make a terrible jedi
he could be an extra, but we never realize it's him, just like NSYNC did in AOTC.
Do you think Jet Li would make a good Jedi?
he could be an extra, but we never realize it's him, just like NSYNC did in AOTC.
Do you think Jet Li would make a good Jedi?
I'm not sure, but I think Bruce Lee would have been.
Bruce Lee as Kato (it's already a Jedi-sounding name).
The name 'Kato' will always ring of the old 'Pink Panther' movies to me.....funny
lol "Beware of Japanese Girl bearing fortune cookie." Love it.
Ewan McGregor.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Fans → The perfect Jedi actor?
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