Making up can be nice...
Topic: Bf/Gf
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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or it can get you kicked in the shebs
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
or it can get you kicked in the shebs
?? How can it get you that?
Ale'ika Skirta wrote:or it can get you kicked in the shebs
?? How can it get you that?
I understand what you mean Ale'ika... but I'm unsure of how to explain it. LIke it can bring even more drama.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Indeed it can...indeed it can.......
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
This topic reminds me of when I was chatting with a friend of mine, he said that there was a bf/gf thing going on on runescape ?!? any way, he pretended to be a girl to mess with people, and some guy was like 'plz be my gf' and it was scary. Very scary.
*snorts* Seriously? That's funny.
I have a honey now. <3 Yeah... little update.
This topic reminds me of when I was chatting with a friend of mine, he said that there was a bf/gf thing going on on runescape ?!? any way, he pretended to be a girl to mess with people, and some guy was like 'plz be my gf' and it was scary. Very scary.
funny story, i pretended to be a girl once, and was hit on by a girl who was pretending to be a guy... who i later found out was a friend of mine
on a more personal subject my ex is causing me way to much drama, she told her ex about me so he now hates me and will be going where i go every Friday night now... on a side note, i told a girl ive been hanging with that i like her (i've actually known and liked her longer than my recent ex but the ex was here if that makes sense) the only problem with that is my buddy likes her also and actually asked her out yesterday, i cant figure out if it was a good or bad thing to tell her and im not sure if i broke the man code or not... but yeah i was driving her home from said friends place today she had asked me what i thought about my friend asking her out. i told her i had a view on it but didn't want to influence her choice about 10 minutes later i told her that i had a pretty big crush on her she giggled smiled and said she figured as much.
but shes a pretty cool girl
she loves star wars and most sci fi and fantasy stuff... likes guns and speaks a little mando which is awesome
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
terra wrote:Ale'ika Skirta wrote:or it can get you kicked in the shebs
?? How can it get you that?
I understand what you mean Ale'ika... but I'm unsure of how to explain it. LIke it can bring even more drama.
I guess I've been slow. But I see now.
Boyfriends are seriously over-rated. I had one for 2 years and his yucky boy germs got me a baby :P The baby is cool anyway...
I had a gf once that hated SW but didn't mind that I liked. Then I found out she was cheating on me with someone I already hated.
―Boba Fett
funny story, i pretended to be a girl once, and was hit on by a girl who was pretending to be a guy... who i later found out was a friend of mine
I have no girl friend. :( I just can't seem to find anybody who is right for me.
Don't obsess about finding one that's "just right" because you could end up always wondering who else is out there that could be better or nit picking perfectly wonderful people. I guess this sounds like settling..... but I don't mean it that way. I know there will never be the exact person that I think will be perfect for me. ( you know a Christan Bale looking, smart, funny HUGE SW fan that loves blondes and has loads of money AND interested in me....)
I actually agree with Karson.... respecting girls is important.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I try my best to respect girls around my school all the time, yet, it seems to most I'm "too good of a friend to date". Or I'm too much of an SW fan...Look's like I'll never be on top...but good luck with the rest of you, And I look like Christian Bale...
―Boba Fett
Yeah, you never get EXACTLY what you want. But that would be kinda boring, wouldn't it? If you got everything you wanted in one person and there was nothing different. Sometimes something you think you wouldn't like you find that you really love.
And, Hunter, if you're still in school don't worry about it. Plenty of time for that once you're an adult. You're still growing up. I'm an adult and I'm still growing up! But point is, you might find someone now, but later on when you reach 20 you find that you've both grown up into different people and separate. Sometimes that's not bad, sometimes it's good, gives you experience, and is a nice memory. But other times it's just unsatisfying, pointless, and stupid. And you're just wasting years of your life that could have been spent productively. I, unfortunately, got the years of wasted time scenario. I was 16 and he was 15. Years later at 20 and 19 we finally ended something that should have been ended back when I was 17. I wasted three years. I could have done so much and I didn't. All the time spent with him I could have spent getting more education, I could have spent it doing stuff around the house, or I could have spent it being a better person. Back then you don't really know who you are and you're still finding out. Now, when you've grown up, you know yourself more. You get more comfortable with yourself. You even begin to like yourself sometimes. Not saying everyone ends up that way, but I guess I'm just rambling. Forgive me, I sometimes post weird, random stuff in the early hours of the morning. (5:30AM here)
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I try my best to respect girls around my school all the time, yet, it seems to most I'm "too good of a friend to date". Or I'm too much of an SW fan...Look's like I'll never be on top...but good luck with the rest of you, And I look like Christian Bale...
Sounds like you are putting in an application ;) :P......
Milba... I'm sorry that it went like that. But you did find someone to be happy with though, didn't you? ;)
Right now Im at a point were I think I have to make that choice and simply walk away and sigh, having wasted the last 2 years.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Mandalore Hunter wrote:I try my best to respect girls around my school all the time, yet, it seems to most I'm "too good of a friend to date". Or I'm too much of an SW fan...Look's like I'll never be on top...but good luck with the rest of you, And I look like Christian Bale...
Sounds like you are putting in an application ;) :P......
Milba... I'm sorry that it went like that. But you did find someone to be happy with though, didn't you? ;)
Right now Im at a point were I think I have to make that choice and simply walk away and sigh, having wasted the last 2 years.
I was just trying to get people to laugh...did it work?
And thanks Miba...I guess I get tired of all my friends bragging and get tired of hearing it...
―Boba Fett
Yeah, you never get EXACTLY what you want.
Unless you're lucky enough to find me. :P
Milba... I'm sorry that it went like that. But you did find someone to be happy with though, didn't you? ;)
Right now Im at a point were I think I have to make that choice and simply walk away and sigh, having wasted the last 2 years.
Yes, I did. :) And I am very, very happy now.
I'm sorry for you too, I hope you make it ok. Just walking away is hard, it took me a little over four months to let it go, and then for the next month I just felt weird. (it was during that 5th month I decided to give this other guy a try, and hey, we're married now. :D)
And thanks Miba...I guess I get tired of all my friends bragging and get tired of hearing it...
NP, and don't worry about them. Be yourself and grow up at your own speed. My husband's 31, it took him that long to find someone "perfect" for him. I mean, hopefully it won't take you that long, I'm only saying.
Miba wrote:Yeah, you never get EXACTLY what you want.
Unless you're lucky enough to find me. :P
I think I'd go to jail if I was with you. ;)
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
That depends on the person, Draco...
―Boba Fett
It's worth it. :P
Shouldn't we be the ones to determine that?
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Draco. You are too much. I hope that was only directed at the girls on this site lol. ewwwwww.
That is a bad thought Alo...Now its in my head. The way he talked last night shows it was to girls only...
―Boba Fett
Well I have made friends with the girl that I have a crush on, yep. Go Me! :)
Probably never date her though...
Ah why not karson... it all starts with being friends. And If you are friends its easier many times to get to the next step. Go for man!
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Yeah, I JUST made friends with the little group she's in so I got to be sloooow. I might ge booted out of the group if I don't keep that to my self, so shhhhh
Ah I know how it goes... I mean don't loose faith that you could be more .... its all steps :D
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

wow. so i broke up with my gf the other day cause she was cheating on me, and lieing to me, long distances dont work. but i was going to do it anyway, cause i did not have feelings for her anymore, and that was like 4 weeks ago, i just had been putting some distance between us. about 3 weeks ago, i was working with a girl in phyics. a looked at her, and it was like she was the only one in the room. she is so pretty, i like her, and i have butterflies like none other, and i cant stop thinking about her... any advice guys? I want to get to know her more, and one of my buddies knows her pretty well, so thats always helpful.
Ah why not karson... it all starts with being friends. And If you are friends its easier many times to get to the next step. Go for man!
I've tried for other people...but never for me. Good luck with that Karson.
―Boba Fett
I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for some....5 years now?! Holy CRAP I didn't know it's been this long.... o_o Time really just FLYS.
And its a long distance relationship as well, has been since day one. So they really do work. It just takes a lot of effort, but when you love the person, it's definitly worth it.
We haven't actually met yet, but we're working on it.
Well, I'm going to ask this one girl I know to homecoming......
Hope everything works out for all of you guys.
Advice? Dont stare or drool ARC :P
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
hey thats important. Try talking to her. If you're nice girls really like guys that have the courage to actually go out of their way to talk to them...
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
And don't forget to look us in the eye when you talk to us. It gives us the impression you're listening and not looking....elsewhere.

thanks guys, i'm going to aks for her number tomorrow at school =] =] =] =] wish me luck
O MY GOSH!!!! I got her emial address =] =] =]
NICE...goodluck ARC
―Boba Fett
My mom always tought me that you aren't supposed to give a guy your number, you get HIS number.
Because if you don't like that first date, that way you don't get hounded for more.
Nowadays we have caller ID. Thwarts all plans of craftiness.
No fun for prank calls anymore. Once got a call back with this dude who chewed me out fo being an irresponsible teenager. He had a point. But fortunately my mind isn't that good at retaining information.

Curious to know...
Have any romances started from BFFC?
We've got plenty of single men and single women, it seems. What a connection that'd be, eh? Two people dig Boba Fett...
My boyfriend actually likes Fett too. Just not as much as me. ^^;
Nowadays we have caller ID. Thwarts all plans of craftiness.
No fun for prank calls anymore. Once got a call back with this dude who chewed me out fo being an irresponsible teenager. He had a point. But fortunately my mind isn't that good at retaining information.
clearly, you've never heard of *67.
That costs money and usually people are too lazy to do that for a prank caller.
It would hard to have a girl friend over the internet
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