Werda Verd 9/10
Commander Appo 9,5/10. Sev is just too awesome.
Topic: Avatar rating
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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I got a new avatar recently, rate it if you like.
That looks awesome MSW. I'd rate a 10/10.
―Boba Fett
That's cool. 9/10 commandos are cool. ;)
Yours is really great Mandal 9.5/10
Really nice Hunter, I love how real it looks, and everybody knows I'm a big fan of those colors :P 9/10
Yours is really good to F3tt 8.5/10
Thanks for the ratings. :D
Ralin 10/10
I love it!
I got a new avatar recently, rate it if you like.
VERY nice Mandal!!! 9.5/10! And nice one, F3TT. At least a 9/10.
I've rated yours many times, Ralin. But I still like it.
--Captain Dynamic--
Got yourself a new one I see; Nice one ner vod 9.5/10
F3- 9/10
Werda- 9.5/10
Revan07 10/10 cause i'm so great and all
Ralin 8.5/10
Mandal ShadowWarrior 9.7/10
I love yours Mandal! 10/10!!
Werda Verd, awesome! 9.5/10
thanks you, I thought it was pretty cool myself.
Cool avatar,MG0415. 7,5/10 in my opinion. :D
How is my new avatar?
Mandalore hunter, yours is really cool! I like how the armor looks very realistic. :)
It looks to me to be the same thing, only this time it's a costumed superhero. 9.9/10 jumpy
―Boba Fett
Its Nightwing, a character from DC comics. Thats what my original Avatar was based off of.
I recognized the blue line. Isn't Nightwing, Robin after he left Batman?
―Boba Fett
yeah. he was the first robin. his real name is Dick Grayson
I recognize it. Like I said, 9.9/10
―Boba Fett
I like yours jumpy!! 9/10!
jumpy, MG and MH u guys have all nifty/cool avatars, 9/10 for alls
I think yours is awesome Fett_II, I'm thinking about whether its a 9/10, or 10/10
―Boba Fett
So what do think of the new me?
Is that Jango's helmet? Very good...
―Boba Fett
It be tight Alo 8.8/10
Nice new av Alo 9.5/10
Nice avatar Alo. 8.7/10
I really like this one Alo... I give it a 9.7/ 10
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Ok, Alo changed the shoulder plates and cape to match the helmet for me, so how does it look?
―Boba Fett
This is what it's from.
―Boba Fett
After many years I've finally had an avatar change, what do you think?
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
GAH!!! MEL CHANGED HE AVATAR!!! lol I almost thought you were a new member for a sec.....
Great av Mel! 9.5/10
Hehehe me be tricky :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Very tricky...I didn't believe it was you for a second...
―Boba Fett
Mel 9/10
What do you think about mine? :)
looks to me like you jacked Green's.......who in turn jacked the pic I used before recoloring mine :P
Great shot of the Fett Man 8/10 *you'd get more if you cropped it just a hair more and cut that white line out of the right side of the pic*
At Mel: Really nice pic, even if you don't look like a "Mandalorian Huntress" anymore :P 9/10
MH: Niiiiice, looks much better with the matching shoulder bells and cape 9.5/10
Mel i LOVE your Avatar...10/10 hands down.
At Mel: Really nice pic, even if you don't look like a "Mandalorian Huntress" anymore :P 9/10
I fixed it - now I'm a Mandalorian En-Forcer :P
Thanks for the scores guys :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
nice: 9/10 and if you look how I rate stuff that's a LOT. lol
Alo I like yours, 9.5/10
If anyone cares to rate this new version of mine...
MG: 9.5
Mel:9.8 (maybe take out the dash and put the force part in italics..if that can be done in a title :P)
Terra: Its cool, like the red. 9.3
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Mel: 9.5 It would be a 10 if tyhe background was more inetresting :D
Alo: Love it, man 9.4/10
Terra; I'm not sure whether I like this one or the green one more, but I WOULD like to see it in blue. 9.3/10
AA: lol I gotta say 8.8/10
Thanks AA
LOL 9/10 for yours
Yours looks really good Mel... 9.8/10
AA, LOL. 10/10
―Boba Fett
All praise should go to Ben 'Yahtzee" Croshaw of Zero Punctuation, who drew the picture that i'm using.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Not much different, just using a rank insignia, 6/10
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I didn't at first see that it was Mel either!
I love it! 9.9/10 ( is it bastila? I think it looks like her even if its not)
AA... 8.9/10 Funny :D
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I came back, so I changed mine. Temp I guess, dunno what I'll use in the near future. I'll get around to doing something new in the future, I'm sure.
It's cute :D 7.5/10
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