Topic: new jedi order rpg

this is after luke makes a new jedi order. also this is after the vaga yag war. the species that tried to make other planets like their own
we are just keeping the peace

Name: Ben Okinawa
Age: 20
Lightsaber color: Bronze
Species: Human
Planet assignment: Dantoine
Master, species:none
Astromech droid type (if applicable):  R6-D3
Planet of exile (for emergency use only): Kamino
Personality: silent, very skilled in the ways of the force, and the blade. Also a grey jedi

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days?  The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four

Re: new jedi order rpg

vaga yag? don't you mean Yuuzhan Vong? and you totally stoled Miba's avatar yikes

3 (edited by Commander Appo Monday, September 15, 2008 5:20 pm)

Re: new jedi order rpg

lol vaga yag....and yeah that IS Miba's avatar. lmao why do a lot of new members try to steal it? lol

And you stole Mandalorian Assassin's signature too. You can't just take other people's stuff!

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."

Re: new jedi order rpg

well i did "borrow" the avitar. but i got the signiture from one of my friends he says it a lot at school. and i really am not up to snuff on my star wars stuff so thanks for  the Yuuzhan Vong thing

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days?  The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four

Re: new jedi order rpg

I think you totally stole just about every aspect of your profile except for the username and the title, because i have seen all of them here before you...

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: new jedi order rpg

Holy hell, guys, take it easy. Nothing wrong with borrowing, certainly nothing worth getting all accusatory over.

Name: Jenice Atherford
Occupation: Jedi Scholar
Species: Human
Age: 27
Weapon of choice: Blue lightsaber

Jenice is the daughter of senator Gentile Atherford of Naboo. She was discovered as a Force-sensitive individual at the age of 14, by which point she had already received the majority of her etiquette training as a member of the social elite. She was loathe to leave her life of luxury, but after some encouragement from her father, who saw the advantage of having family in the Jedi Order, she traveled to Yavin to receive training.

While competent with a lightsaber, she finds the idea of combat somewhat barbaric and concentrated her studies on mastering her use of the Force. She has become a star student in this regard, and in the wake of the destruction of the Yavin training grounds, she was high on the New Jedi Order's list for promotion to the rank of Knight. However, the tests clearly showed that while competent in the Force and quite bright, she constantly distanced herself from those around her and insisted on acting in a dignified manner in all degrees of interaction.

She has been assigned to Dantooine to assist Ben Okinawa to give her some perspective on her place in the Universe, and to see if she is truly ready to join the ranks of the Jedi Knights.

SUMMARY: She was a rich girl, and she doesn't like fighting. So she has to prove she can handle herself on Dantooine if she hopes to become a Knight.

GPI: Fondly regard crustacean

Re: new jedi order rpg

Just commenting, sorry if I made someone upset, but I know ive seen that signature before.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: new jedi order rpg

Yes you have.  Mandalorian Assassin in fact.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me.  It was self-defense.[/i]  -Richard the Warlock  [url][/url]

Re: new jedi order rpg

Ben and janice are walking around a town in the shop district

"well janice i hope you get what the council expects you to get hear"
"yes i sure do"
they pass a small shop and ben stops and looks at the small carvings they have
"quite interesting arent they"
"yes sir very"

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days?  The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four

Re: new jedi order rpg

"well Janice lets get back to our room at the hotel. we need to contact the council"
they started walking back to the hotel when ben was shoved out of the road by a man running from the local police
"what in the nam eof the force was that???" asked ben

"YOU JEDI STOP THAT MURDER" yelled the police
"well janice i guess the council can wait" said Ben as he started to run after the man whom the police said was a murder

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days?  The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four