If the DC universe some how collided with the Star Wars universe, And each universe decided to have a huge war, Who would win?
Topic: DC V.S. Star Wars
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
15 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestYeah. DC's not nearly as big as SW. Marvels a lot bigger, too.
--Captain Dynamic--
Yeah...but with great weapons and tech, SW would win in about ten minutes; or less.
―Boba Fett

I'm not sure which universe would win. I think that Superman would put up one heck of a fight, But, then again the death star might destroy earth.
Really, it all depends on which universe is smarter.
Hmmmmmm.........if this was narrowed it might be a much tougher question. But as it is, it HAS to be SW; it's just too big. Any and all the DC heros would simply be overwhelmed, AND most would be outclassed by the Jedi/Sith
the only guy that would be any trouble is Supes, sadly
i mean batman is the man, but against anyone from sw? sry batsy
well, I'd say he could handle his weight in Stormtroopers and Rebel troops, but put him against a Jedi or a Sith?

batman would be in trouble if he faught a jedi.
The Force would destroy Superman in one hit. And ppl in the SW universe could just get some Kryptonite.
Star Wars, easily. Lobo would put up a good fight, though.

Lobo can regenerate by one drop of blood. It would extremely hard to kill him.
Lobo can regenerate by one drop of blood. It would extremely hard to kill him.
He was basically DC's parody of Wolverine who could kick Lobo around without even having to throw away his cuban cigar. This was proven in a Marvel vs. DC crossover.
I say they teach Batman in the way of the Jedi and together they kill Super Man. Dead this time no coming back. Super Man is the total waste of a super Hero