um it's easy. take the picture. load it on your computer. upload it to a hosting site, such as tinypic or photobucket, and paste the link of the picture into your post.
Topic: Post a Picture of Yourself!
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
618 posts
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I'm uglier in person.
You are lovely looking :D Do not be hard on yourself.
I took a picture of myself yesterday for a competition on one of the groups on the website Flickr. I thought I would post it on here as well.
Hehe the picture is called. I have got my head in the clouds:
Thank you Fett II :D I was very fortunate that I was able to get that done for free :D (It was done by someone who was being trained)
Update: that's me as of one month ago. yes I did shave after I saw this pic was taken lol.
Oh and Manji_Ninja your lovely! and I do NOT say that to everyone. Actually I get in trouble something for being a little to... honest. lol
That is a great effect on the first picture Alo, I like it :D

Thanks all, you're too kind. ^^
@Devil Girl: Awesome pic, I see your hair is growing back. :)
@Alo Fett: Haha, you look like you have a good sense of humor in that 2nd picture. :P
Manji you're are far from ugly. I see that in the mirror all the time, so.... :P
Alo... I love the first one. Looks like fun. (Although shaving is over rated sometimes... a little scruff can go a long way)
Devil Girl... I thought that was a self portait at first. Its not your average perspective. :)
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Thank you Manji :D yup my hair is growing back nicely, the mad curls are back too :D there are still some bald patches but thankfully not many and you cannot notice them at all.
Si, it was a self portrait :D The competition was for pictures of faces, I thought I would be different by changing the angle of the picture. When I was looking at the picture I realized that it looked like my head was in the clouds so after a bit of cropping and editing that was the end result :D
Si, less of that from you as well ;) you are lovely as well :D
You both make a good looking couple. Thanks for sharing Therealmcoy!
You both make a good looking couple. Thanks for sharing Therealmcoy!
and you can just call me McCoy ;)
Thats a Zoo York ad....
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
recent pic of me and the lady
she's too tanned for you :P
But seriously, nice pic; you two Do make a nice couple :)
her vacation to the beach was a month or two before mine! =P
lol im not quite as ghostly at the moment
Look its me :P
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
AA, you're ridiculous. Why not show a real pic?
- edit - thats a real pic indeed, but it took me a while to understand it, since its rotated and taken from so far.
Here's a new pic of me. Taken today.
I see you've got some ampage there play electric G?
Wow you look older, Arc. Been a while since your last pic.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
You've got a great smile ARC and I like that rocker T-shirt.
ARC, you look cool. Terra, you look like I thought you would. Too bad I don't have a picture to post though...:(
―Boba Fett
Terra, you look like I thought you would.
like you thought i would? not sure if thats good or not. :P
Its a good thing. I don't dis people...unless they get me really PO'ed. But every one here looks awesome. Including that far-away shot of A_A. Which I doubt was him.
―Boba Fett
yeah, truth is he can't show his face on the web.............he and the police, FBI, CIA, Home Land Security, SAS, Mi5, and KGB have issues.......or they will when one of the above agencies find him
LOL. True. :P BTW I changed my hair I might give a update later.
yeah, truth is he can't show his face on the web.............he and the police, FBI, CIA, Home Land Security, SAS, Mi5, and KGB have issues.......or they will when one of the above agencies find him
I can only imagine what he did...
―Boba Fett
he PWND all the major nation's leaders at CoD4; that's what they use to decide world policy you know. If they played fair, he'd own most of the world now.......
Yeah. That is actually me. My dad didn't zoom in the camera, theres another picture, but zoomed in. Kind of kills the point of this if you dont put a picture of yourself.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Yeah. That is actually me. My dad didn't zoom in the camera, theres another picture, but zoomed in. Kind of kills the point of this if you dont put a picture of yourself.
Wait so your saying those posts where there was Preditor......
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."¤t=MandaloreHunter.jpg
I hope this works
―Boba Fett
yea i'd guess it works... i got a haircut, attempting to get a picture.
Are you trying to steal my face, Fett_II?
―Boba Fett
this is me when I'm being serious or at school............
lol. That's really cool picture RD!!! :D
and for those who are wondering, those are NOT my everyday glasses :P
Those..........things, a duffel bag, and a pair of bad lungs are all i got left of my try to be a Marine. At least I found a use for the glasses :P
Go go millitary nerdwear. My dad has a simmilar. But they look better on you then they do him! XD
I don't have any recent pictures. I'll look up one I had from a year or two ago I took myself, but I don't like it because you can see up my nose. D= A lot like the George Washington carving at Mt. Rushmore when you walk under it.
That is a definitely a haircut Fett_II :D
Very good Taetaeightfour :D
LOL Ralin that is fantastic :D
While it is not of me I could not resist posting this picture of my eldest son.
Yesterday he decided to put on one of my daughters dressing up dresses on and then he got his Darth Vader mask on before declaring himself 'Princess Lord Vader' He was very happy with himself and I thought he looks fantastic :D
Awww! That's so cool. 'Princess Darth Vader' :D

ha thanks guys, yeah i play guitar. and my shirt is an As I lay Dying shirt, they rock.
That is a definitely a haircut Fett_II :D
That's a pic of Mandalore Hunter, Fett_II just posted it for him :P
this is me when I'm being serious or at school............
And Dev now that was particular. :P
ralin, im sorry, the doctors did everything they could.....
but i don't think your face will ever recover from the accident.
how very brave you are to post a picture of yourself in this state. :P
ralin, im sorry, the doctors did everything they could.....
but i don't think your face will ever recover from the accident.
how very brave you are to post a picture of yourself in this state. :P
goes perfect with the saddening music i'm listening to as i read your post lol.
ONE word for you RD... CONTACTS!
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
why? You don't think they're "in" enough? :P
lol, my dad has those glasses....
Those glasses are "in" enough. I'd wear them...Weird Al does in White and Nerdy...
―Boba Fett
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