I don't know how to do multiple quotes so I hope I make sense with out them.
I'm also unsure what is considered spoilers.... so *WARNING MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS* I'm just going to openly comment.
ZiviReywes.... I agree with the whole television thing. Kids today need something way better than "Hanna Montana". Its so mindless that Im sure it is killing their brain cells, never mind undoing years of woman's lib. The shows you listed were the shows I grew up on. LOVED THEM! They were fun stuff. Shows can be fun with out being mindless. I think that a show very much like the movie would be very nice and fun.
manda'lor1... I disagree with the padawan, but LOVE that story.
Sadriel.....I agree very much with what you say. Almost leaves me nothing new to post. Although I disagree with you on the animation. I didn't find it annoying at all, although i wish they spent more time/ attention to the environments, especially on Tatooine. I actually liked how it wasn't that super perfected style, as to me that takes out some of the fun.
Ventress was the hidden gem of the movie for me. I like the tweeking of her costume. To me a sith BEGS to sexy, and this helps that. I liked her before... now I REALLY like her. Its a shame she's not blonde.
And I happen to think she had the best voice and animation on her facial expressions as well.
Now the apprentice ( I can never remember how to spell her dang name)n I wish I could just snipe her now. Yes she can hold her own isn't exactly weak, but she had the worse dialogue, and to me was WHINY. More so than even Luke was. "Skyguy" give me a break. I could rant about things I didn't like about her for some time. I stand by my earlier comments that she needs to die. Painfully if possible.
Overall, The Clone Wars wasn't all that bad. It could have been way worse, but it also could have been better. Some parts were completely unnecessary. Zero... Padame...needless. Some plot points were wrong though. Jedi are CHOSEN to be padawans BEFORE their 13th birthday. Action was nice, although they made the Jedi too god like to me. (This coming from a big Jedi fan.) I liked having Ploo Koon, Kit Fisto and Luminara involved. Yes it sounds like I am complaining a lot, but I did like it. The huttling was less annoying than I thought. It was fun and fluffy. I like how there is a lot of action. If only Ashoka (w/e) didn't talk so much.......
Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."