Re: RPG:Freedom Fighters
Richelle freshly cleaned and dressed, went back to the main room, to watch over things and clean her weapons. After every bit of action she cleaned and reviewed her equipment. She had seen fellow freedom fighters brought down by faulty gear, and she was determined for that not to be her. She had cleaned her guns many times, so it was a fast operation, not unlike the first time she tried to do it. Sam had gotten her the gun her first day in the resistance, and she was nervous to hold such a big gun for the first time. Sam had shown her how to dismantle it, by showing her on his own rilfe, but when she tried to put it back together she just couldn't get it. Sam had gently taken her hands and gulded it over the weapon and showed just how to get it right. The thought now filled her with sadness and determination. If she sat there anylonger she would start crying, and those days were past her now. So Richelle got up, slug the rifle over her shoulder, and went towards the infirmary to check on the woman that she brought in earlier.
*ok maybe CA needs to post to help me out... or else i need some direction.... Thanks *
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."