Topic: Recent Errors
We should be all set now, hopefully kissing goodbye a few unfortunate (and unfortunately unfriendly) error messages.
If you're using any stored preferences to login, they may have been reset.
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Dialogue → Recent Errors
We should be all set now, hopefully kissing goodbye a few unfortunate (and unfortunately unfriendly) error messages.
If you're using any stored preferences to login, they may have been reset.
If you're using any stored preferences to login, they may have been reset.
Oh, that explains why everything new says it was posted yesterday even though I was on this morning, and it's only 10:38 here.
Yes, that's the benefit of the cookie. It should reset and work again if you check the box.
Also, the server time was off. Times should be Pacific USA now, but I guess were accidentally Central USA.
I've allready made a new thread about my complaint. It's called 'why cant I send private messages?'.
Hmm, I get error messages every so often when I try to post. It still actually posts but I get an error message. Freaky computer.
I like your pic True Warrior
Damn, just did it again. Seems to make my posts appear twice so I have to keep deleting the duplicate. Grr.
Mel, what I do when I get that error message is hit the back button, then refresh the page. The post appears and you don't have to delete a second.
Mel, what I do when I get that error message is hit the back button, then refresh the page. The post appears and you don't have to delete a second.
oh ok, kool. It has been happening to me too....but it isnt a big deal to just delete one of the posts, ya know.
Yup, there it went again! lol
I dont know if this is an error, or if nobody likes me. I've been sending private messages to people and they're not replying. To all you people, ( you know who you are) please reply back! Thanks
No, that's not an error. But thanks for asking. It's a new feature here, so some people may not be used to it.
........."may".........I was afraid of that........:(
I was just trying to PM someone else on here (as a reply cause they sent one to me) and it wouldn't let me cause "the user's inbox is full". So, is yours full, maybe, and that's why no one's replying to you?
once you get it cleaned out I will send you a bunch of stuff.
True Warrior
Actually, it was MS9 I was trying to PM back.
sorry guys, didnt realize it......ill work on it right srry 'bout that again.
oh yeah and i didnt know i was soo popular.....just kiddin.....thanks guys.
there, its all good now.....i was wondering why ya'll weren't responding??? lol lol
BTW, if my inbox is ful and I forget to clean it out, someone please tell me. Thanx
The limit is 20 messages. Delete some.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Dialogue → Recent Errors
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