Topic: The Daleks
Mark Fadinom loaded his battle rifle. He loaded a catridge into the empty magazine space and loaded. CHICK! CHICK!
He waited.
" Report! What is the status of the humans? "
" All Exterminated! Dalek's are supreme! "
Urggh. The Daleks..... He absolutely hated them, and he had been on an assault to kill them but his team had failed...... He looked at loathing at them. They were so evil and hatreded...
Mark unclipped a grenade from his belt and fitted it into his pocket.
He heard the Dalek Commanders again.
" Are the human's finished with, Dalek Jav? "
" YeS! ThEy aRe AlL ExTeRmInAtEd! " Dalek Jav replied.
Mark waited until they rolled out.
He looked around....
His eyes swelled with tears.......
His team were scattered across the floor.
All......of ................them..................................................................
All 17 of them.......
He picked up an energy rifle from the floor and checked the ammo
It read:
AMMO: 0%
Status of gun mode: N/A
Mark toosed it away. That was the mistake he made. A Dalek's cry broke out,
" Human!!! On board! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!!!!!!!! "
Then four Dalek's rolled out. Mark got his grenade and threw it, two dalek's cried out " BLAAAAAAAH!!!! "
Then they exploded.
Mark fired his rifle at the other two. The bullets's pinged and cracked off the Dalek Armour harmlessly.
Then he got angry with them, after all they'd done to him and screamed and fired at the eye stalks. The dalek's also screamed and exploded.
They a Dalek Leader came out.
This one was stronger.
The Leaders always had bronze plates of metal stuck to them at the side..........
( I shall post a sequel soon, folks! )