Topic: My story
i thought i would share this here, this is copied and pasted from my star wars (blog.
What's his name??
When i first saw this clone, i was about 3 years old. ROTJ was airing for the first time on U.K(i think late 80's). I sat at my grandparents house, with my famly, watching Jedi. One of the scene that really stuck out was on Jabba's sail barge. I was petrified as this huge montser ate jabba's guards, as Han, Luke, Leia and Chewie all battled to stay alive. I remmber then seeing Han swing a stick and send a robot like flying through the air and into the barge and then into the sarlac pit. This was over shadowed by my tears of watching the ewoks(or teddy's as i called them) being killed in the battle of endor, (even though my mam was reassuring me that they were just "asleep"). This was the last i really thought of star wars, i still watched the Ewok cartoons but memories of the movie just fadded to a joyful memory(which last to this day). A few years later, a college's son my mam worked with had lots of all Star wars figures he had out grown, so he kindly offered them to me through my mam. One day my mam came home from work with a huge box of figures. I rumaged through them, i found Vader, Luke, Han, Chewie, R2-D2, C-3PO and AT-ST amongst them. I eventualy pulled out a figure in blue and green armour, with a rocket on his back, missles on his hands and an cool looking helmet. I had know idea what his name was, but he instantly became my favorite figure. Shorty afterwards, i got a copy of the empire strkies back. Every morning before i went to school, i would watch it whilst i played with my figures. I reconised my favorite figure on screen. He was so cool. He looked even better than my figure. But i still didn't know his name. But i heard Darth Vader refer to him as "Bounty Hunter". So that's what i called him. In my play wars, he would pilot the At-St against the rebels. He was indistructable. Shorty after i got ROTJ on video. I watched the sarlac scene again. I tried to listen carefuly when Han Solo spoke when the "Bounty Hunter" was on screen. But i misheard what he called him. To Me, Han called "Bounty Hunter", "Boomer". Now my figure had a proper name, "Boomer". But to me it sounded wrong. I eventully realised about credits, so i fast forwarded the film to them, and once they started rolling, i scanned them for names, trying to narrow down a list of possiblites. Then i saw one. It seemed to fit, and sounded not unsimilar to "Boomer". Finally i had his name. His proper name.
Years on i have many new figures of this character. Alot more detailed than my original. I have figures of his father, and countless figures of his "brothers". I even have his starship. But non off them have the memories of my original figure.
I'll let you work out who i'm talking about for yourself.