i was over at a friends house yesterday and i was stupid enough to leave the bffc up on the computer.
i know that they messed with the chatroom and if any other damage was done i apolagize.
i made sure it wont happen again.
Topic: chat spam
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
16 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI didn't know.
Your not stupid, Regimas. :)
yea seriously your not stupid. You know how often i leave sites open and my friends mess with them...wait...i think i just said a lot about myself there lol
Anyway, i didn't notice either
I didn't notice anything, and I was on almost all day yesterday. Don't fret about it, Regimas.
im not, and dont worry, im not all full of self pity or anything. :)
some people (im not naming any names...adeptus) seemed pretty pissed about some chat thing.
im glad they dident do anything to stupid.
Thats funny. because something simialar happened to me. I walked away from the computer to get somthing from the basement. When I returned my mom and sister had typed in all sorts of ridiculous things into the chat room. I now know better than to turn my backs on them.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
im not, and dont worry, im not all full of self pity or anything. :)
some people (im not naming any names...adeptus) seemed pretty pissed about some chat thing.
im glad they dident do anything to stupid.
Uh..I was joking....Its called sarcasm.... I dont see why every one seems to think that I hate everyone if they make a random mistake
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Sarcasm and Adeptus? No... didn't think it was possible :P
I didn't notice anything either but I have seen some people talking to themselves in the chatroom, now that's a laugh especially when you bust them :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
aa i was kidding
if i wanted to complain about you i would have made a pointless thread doing so. :)

Just to add two cents, the same rules here apply to the chat room. We're able to drop a ban like that on the one, the other, or both.
That said, chat away! :)
I Get Blamed For Chat Spam All The Time And Makes Me Wanna Smash A Guitar Over Some1's Head
because you do chat spam....sorry..
I didn't notice anything either but I have seen some people talking to themselves in the chatroom, now that's a laugh especially when you bust them :P
You mean me? :P
why would i mean you?
this is an old topic, why am i even here...
I quoted Mel's post, that was a question FOR MEL!!!
Okay, look with what the Admin said, and all, I think that this topic is done. I t doesn't mattter who spams it the chat room... just DON'T DO IT!