Topic: Stormtroopers, Or Clonetroopers?

Hey, Its me, GLOPINO wanting to know, Who do you think is better, Stormtroopers, Or Clonetroopers?

             I like Stormtroopers better.

            THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Stormtroopers, Or Clonetroopers?


Re: Stormtroopers, Or Clonetroopers?

Clone Troopers

Your god won't be there to save you, or maybe I will

Re: Stormtroopers, Or Clonetroopers?

i love the variations of clones, like the commander with the kamas and shoulder guards
if stormtroopers had cool rank showing additions on their armor i would like them more.

i will have to say clones

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

Re: Stormtroopers, Or Clonetroopers?

the various legions and armors of clonetroopers make them very cool, but would be nowhere without stormtroopers. or boba fett.

Re: Stormtroopers, Or Clonetroopers?

clone troopers!!!!! big_smile I love my boys

Ven'gana mhi yaim'ol // We will have our homecoming

Re: Stormtroopers, Or Clonetroopers?

Yeah, I have to go for the Clone Troopers.  They have more character.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."

Re: Stormtroopers, Or Clonetroopers?

Clones troopers have quality, style, brotherhood and not to mention they dont have a poor rep for accuracy. And their Mando. So clone troopers all the way.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

Re: Stormtroopers, Or Clonetroopers?

Clones FTW...if only they didn't have that damn accelerated growth....

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