Do not put so-in-so vs. so-in-so topics on the General message board section. They do not go here they go under Role playing! I have been seeing this a lot. I'm sorry I have been on top this stuff but it has to be stopped!
Or the Who is better stuff eather.
Topic: Do not put...
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
15 posts
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Some topics can fit in multiple areas. Remember everyone has to learn where things go and there are a lot of new members coming all the time.
We (the mods) move certain threads as we see them if they need moving, so stay cool as it'll all come together ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
yup, what she said

Hey, I am trying to the mistakes from happening.
Yes,there is bit topics like so-in-so vs so-in-so.
Karson why this matters you so much?

I have O.C.D. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. I like things to be where suppose to be. It just does.
yup, what she said
wow...that almost sounded like a joke :P
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
"That's what she said" joke. Stick it to the end of almost any sentence and you get some hilarious results. A_A is infamous for those on Live... Rev should know.
I have O.C.D. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. I like things to be where suppose to be. It just does.
I understand,Karson.
LoL,I think I understand. :cool:
and of course, we all know that the "That's what she said" joke is now dead. sometimes it's still got a few good laughs, but that's it.
sometimes it's still got a few good laughs, but that's it.
That's what she said...
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